




1.马萨尔 Marsaille 马尔萨伊 Marsal 马尔萨尔 Martinière 马丁尼埃尔 ...

3.马尔萨 马尔纳沃 Marnaves 马尔萨 Marsal 塔尔恩河畔马尔萨克 Marssac-sur-Tarn ...


5.马尔萨勒主页 >>> 法国 >>> 洛林 >>> 摩泽尔 >>> 马尔萨勒( Marsal) 邮政编码:57630


1.Rather than immediately sell assets into a depressed market, Alvarez &Marsal has opted to retain and manage a chunk of Lehman's holdings.Alvarez&Marsal并未立即将雷曼兄弟的资产抛向低迷的市场,而是选择保留并管理雷曼兄弟的大量资产。

2.Marsal, shrugging as he sits in a conference room at Lehman's headquarters in Midtown Manhattan. Mr.马歇尔先生坐在曼哈顿市中心雷曼兄弟公司总部的会议室里,耸耸肩膀说。

3.By not selpng some assets at fire-sale prices, the estate will be able to recoup much more money for creditors, notes Mr. Marsal.马歇尔先生特别指出,若不减价出售一些资产的话,这些资产将会为债权人收回更多的补偿金。

4.'The fleet's been grounded, ' Mr. Marsal reassured the bankruptcy judge overseeing the case at a hearing last month.上个月在一场听证会上向负责雷曼兄弟破产案的法官保证,机队已经停用;

5.Alvarez & Marsal got the gig in September after Lehman's board appointed it to administer the bankrupt company's estate.去年9月,雷曼兄弟董事会委聘Alvarez&Marsal管理这家破产公司的资产。

6.Mr. Marsal says compensation is in pne with similar jobs on Wall Street, yet far below what it was at Lehman.马绍尔说,薪酬同华尔街的类似工作一致,不过远低于雷曼兄弟以前的水平。

7.Mr. Marsal says critics should be careful about identifying where problems lurk in bankruptcy fees.马歇尔先生说批评家在识别破产案费用方面潜伏的问题时要小心谨慎。

8.To carry out the mission, Alvarez &Marsal kept 130 Lehman employees on the firm's payroll.为了执行这一任务,Alvarez&Marsal保留了130名雷曼兄弟的员工。

9.Mr Marsal was stunned at the lack of preparation for Lehman's giant bankruptcy.马绍尔就曾震惊于政府对雷曼大规模破产的准备不足。

10.ON the evening of Sunday, Sept. 14, 2008, Mr. Marsal was sitting in his study in Westchester County, N. Y. , when the phone rang.2008年9月14号,星期天的傍晚,Marsal先生当时正坐在位于纽约威彻斯特县的书房里,这时电话响了。