


美式发音: [ˌbi em ˈaɪ] 英式发音: [ˌbiː em ˈaɪ]


英文单词:体重指数(body mass index);身体质量指数;体质指数



n.1.body mass index: a measurement of the amount of fat in someones body, calculated by dividing their weight in kilograms by their height in meters squared

1.体重指数(body mass index)体重指数BMI)是目前国际上常用的衡量人体胖瘦程度以及是否健康的一个标准。妈妈说体重指数计算器,根据性别、年龄、 …

2.身体质量指数身体质量指数bmi)或机构的mas s指数(bmi) ,英文,措施的理想体重 ,从身高和体重。 了解更多有关体重指数 你的身 …

3.体质指数可以用体质指数BMI)判断一个是否肥胖。BMI=体重(kg)/身高2(因为小2不好打,也就是如果你1.65M ,就1.65X1.65 的 …

4.身高体重指数根据身高体重指数(BMI)公式测算出的结果,可将体型大致分为以下几种类型: 标签:体重 回答:2 浏览:4306 提问时间:200…

5.体重指标透过体重指标(BMI)的测量,便可以知道体型是否理想。BMI的计算是:体重(公斤)/身高(米)x身高(米),假如得出的指数超过25 …



1.If you haven't registered with either ASCAP or BMI or SESAC, you could be missing out on opportunities.如果你没有在ASCAP、BMI或者SESAC(皆为版权协会)注册的话,就有可能丧失这些赚钱机会了。

2.Obesity seems to be a main culprit; the authors found a high correlation between rising rates of diabetes and a rise in body mass index.肥胖似乎是一个主要元凶;作者发现了糖尿病的增长率和上升的身体质量指数(BMI)之间呈高度相关。

3.Chelsea's private chartered BMI flight was unable to leave Aberdeen airport to pick the squad up at Newcastle, so they were stranded.切尔西的私人包机航班BMI无法离开奥博丁机场,也无法到纽卡去接球队,所以切尔西被困了。

4.There was also no correlation between the body mass index (BMI) of a mother and the sex of her child.母亲的身体质量指数(BMI)和孩子的性别也没有相互关系。

5.BMI is thought to be an indicator of how much fat a person has, while body weight reflects the overall body size.BMI被认为是衡量肥胖程度的指标,而体重反应的是身体的整体重量。

6.All the children were similar in height, weight and body mass index (BMI; a ratio of height to weight used to measure obesity).所有儿童在身高、体重和体质指标方面(BMI;身高体重之比,用来测量肥胖)都极为相似。

7.The findings show that social influence "tends to operate more in detrimental directions, especially for BMI" , said the authors.研究人员说,结果证明社会影响的“不利作用似乎很大,尤其在体重指数上。”

8.The body mass index (BMI), calculated with an equation that incorporates height and weight, is a simple metric for assessing obesity.根据身高与体重的比例计算的身体质量指数(BMI)是评估有无肥胖问题的一种简易衡量标准。

9.When the researchers adjusted for BMI, it did not affect any risk estimates. Hyperglycemia proportions were highest among obese patients.研究人员调整了BMI身高体重支书,不影响任何风险评估。

10.As part of that study, the individuals had undergone repeated measurements including body mass index (BMI) over more than three decades.作为这项研究的一部分,每个人必须反复测量包括身体的体重指数(BMI)超过三十年。
