


美式发音: [ˈkjuːbə] 英式发音: ['kju:bə]


英文单词:中国大学生篮球联赛(Chinese University Basketball Association);大学生篮球联赛(China University Basketball Association);古巴解放日



n.1.[Country]the Republic of Cuba, an island country in the Caribbean Sea

1.古巴 克罗地亚( Croatia) 古巴( Cuba) 塞浦路斯( Cyprus) ...

2.中国大学生篮球联赛(Chinese University Basketball Association) 多米尼加( Dominican) 古巴共和国( Cuba) 哥伦比亚( Colombia) ...

5.古巴解放日 17.退伍军人节( Veterans Day) 1日 古巴解放日-----( CUBA) 1日 苏丹独立日-----( SUD…

6.泣血古巴 鬼屋奇谈 Sentinel,The 泣血古巴 Cuba 周末大行动 Osterman Weekend,The ...


1.Cuba both imports toilet paper and produces its own, but does not currently have enough raw materials to make it, he said.他表示,古巴不仅进口卫生纸,还自己生产。但由于原料缺乏,目前已无法生产卫生纸。

2.The US developed its own definition of torture and began transporting captives to ghost prisons and a little-known military base in Cuba.美国发展了自己对“酷刑”一词的定义,并开始将俘虏送到幽灵监狱(ghostprison)和一个位于古巴的鲜为人知的军事基地。

3.He has stubbed out Cuba's freedom once; it would be tragic if hatred of him led to more pain.他已一次的扼杀了古巴自由,如果对他的仇恨会带来更多痛苦,这将是可悲的。

4.A spokesman for the U. S. Postal Daifu Lu said: "The United States Post Office will continue to accept letters from Cuba, parcels. "美国邮政局发言人戴夫·卢因说:“美国邮政局将继续接纳来自古巴的信件、包裹。”

5.Others felt that the Olympic champion from Cuba might be able to outbox and outsmart the elder Klitschko brother.有人觉得古巴的奥运会冠军可能爆冷,击败大克里琴科。

6.In a worldwide radio broadcast Khrushchev said he would remove "offensive" weapons from Cuba in return for a U. S. pledge not to invade.无线电广播在世界范围内赫鲁晓夫说他将可以移除“攻势”武器从古巴作为回报,而美国的承诺不是侵袭。

7.Kennedy decided to use a naval blockade -- he called it a "quarantine" -- to prevent any more Soviet ships from reaching Cuba.肯尼迪决定进行海上封锁,他称之为“隔离”,以此来阻止苏联舰队抵达古巴。

8.Many Hondurans worried that Mr. Zelaya was trying to turn their country into a socialist state like Cuba.很多洪都拉斯人担心塞拉亚试图把本国变为古巴那样的社会主义国家。

9.The president's brother, Adan, helps to co-ordinate the company's subsidised oil sales around the Caribbean as ambassador to Cuba.总统的弟弟,Adan,作为驻古巴大使负责协调加勒比海区域的援助性石油交易。

10.Mr Lyons is hardly the only Southerner who would be glad to see the end of America's 45-year embargo on trade with Cuba.美国对古贸易禁令已达45年,乐意看到禁令终结的南方人不止赖恩斯先生一个。