


美式发音: [kɑp] 英式发音: [kɒp]



英文单词:性能系数(coefficient of performance);能效比;缔约方大会(Conference of the Parties)

过去式:copped  第三人称单数:cops  现在分词:copping  



1.(informal)警察a police officer

Somebody call the cops!去个人报警啊!

children playing cops and robbers在玩警察抓坏蛋游戏的孩子们

a TV cop show电视警察节目


He's not much cop as a singer.他的歌唱得不怎么样。

not much cop不太好;不怎么样not very good

He's not much cop as a singer.他的歌唱得不怎么样。


1.~ sth遭受;忍受to receive or suffer sth unpleasant

He copped all the hassle after the accident.他在事故发生后各种的麻烦都受了。

2.~ sth注意到to notice sth

Cop a load of this!(= Listen to this)听听这一大套!

IDMcop hold of sth(informal)抓住,握住(某物)to take hold of sthcop a plea(informal)避重就轻地认罪(以求轻判)to admit in court to being guilty of a small crime in the hope of receiving less severe punishment for a more serious crimecop it被罚;受罚to be punished被杀to be killed



n.1.a police officer

v.1.to get or win something, especially when you were not expected to

1.性能系数(coefficient of performance) 22. dirty work 卑鄙的工作; 讨厌的工作 23. cop 警察 24. spooky 玄;可怕的 ...

3.能效比 car n. 车(辆),汽车;(火车)车厢 cop n. 警官,巡警 cow n. 母牛,奶牛 ...

8.康菲石油(Conoco Phillips)力拓(RIO) 康菲石油(COP) 通用汽车(GM) 福特汽车(F) 埃克森美孚(XOM) 英石油(BP) 卡特彼勒(CAT) 杜克能源(DUK) 哈里伯顿(…


1.No cop for bouse, ' said the waiter, with a voice like butter cakes and an eye like the cherry in a Manhattan cocktail. '“用不着找警察,”侍者说,声音滑腻得如同奶油蛋糕,眼睛红得好似曼哈顿开胃酒中的樱桃。

2.The cop caught him in ten minutes -- it seems to me the guy was not all there.警察只花了钟就把他抓到了。我看那个人不太。

3.Santino Corleone: Let me ask you something. What about this McCluskey? What do we do with this cop?让我问你,这个迈克劳斯基呢?我们要拿这个条子怎么办?

4.No cop for yours, ' said the waiter, with a voice like butter cakes and an eye like the cherry in a Manhattan cocktail. ' Hey, Con! '“你们这种人不值得叫警察,”堂倌说,他的声音粘糊糊的像奶油蛋糕,一只眼睛像曼哈顿鸡尾酒里的一颗樱桃。“嗨,你这个罪犯!”

5.After calling the police, and a cop showing up at the door, he took her side because she said it was "discipline" .我打电话报警,警察来到我家,坚定地站在她那一边,因为她说这是家教的一部分。

6.And whether we cop to it or not, we've let media images define us since we were old enough to flip the pages of Seventeen magazine.而且无论我们是否追求这种形象,从我们懂得翻阅“十七岁”杂志开始,我们已经任由媒体定夺我们的形象了。

7.She was startled by the cop's sudden appearance but she immediately did as she was told and lay face forward on the wet wood of the pier.警察的突然出现让她吓了一跳,但她马上照做,脸朝下躺在码头的湿木上。

8."No cop for you, " said the waiter, and seizing Soapy by the collar he threw him out of the restaurant.“用不着叫警察,”待者边说边抓住了苏比的领子,把他搡出了饭馆。

9.A man impersonating a police officer was arrested after he tried to pull over a motorist -- who turned out to be a real cop.一个假扮警官的人想让一个摩托车手靠边停车,结果这人是个真警察,于是他被捕了。

10.Robert is a cop from Copenhagen with a secret, which has landed him in a small rural town in Denmark.罗伯特是哥本哈根警察,因为一个秘密被调到丹麦一小镇。