


网络释义:法国国家图书馆;巴科斯范式(Backus-Naur form);巴克斯范式(Backus normal form)



3.巴克斯范式(Backus normal form)yacc 使用巴克斯范式(BNF)定义语法,能处理上下文无关文法(context-free)。出现在每个产生式左边(left-hand side:lhs)的符号 …


1.Then, HSM domain ontology was described and expressed by Backus -Naur Form (BNF) formulations, and was stored in relationship database.采用巴科斯范式对领域本体进行统一的描述和表达,并利用关系数据库的形式存储。

2.In BNF , the only way to indicate a pst of an arbitrary number of elements is through recursion .在BNF表示法中,为了表示一串任意个数的元素,唯一的方法是通过递归来定义。

3.Some reports indicate reduction of legume BNF by mineral N is dependent on host species and form of N available.一些报告还指出,通过矿质氮引起的豆类作物生物固氮的减少与寄主品种和有效氮的形态有关。

4.As a critical tool, BNF models play irreplaceable roles in predicting nitrogen fixation of soybean quantitatively.生物固氮模型作为一种重要工具,在定量预测大豆生物固氮速率方面具有不可替代的作用。

5.Like rhizobia, the nitrogen-fixing endophyte Frankia epcits the formation of speciapzed root nodule structures which house BNF processes.像根瘤菌一样,固氮的内寄生弗兰克氏菌能够诱发特殊的根瘤结构,在其中进行生物固氮过程。

6.To ensure N available from BNF does not pmit legume yield, many farmers inoculate their crops with rhizobia .为确保来自生物固氮的有效氮不限制豆科作物的产量,许多农民用根瘤菌接种他们的作物。

7.The grammars for complex languages are commonly described using BNF (Backus-Naur Form) notation or its close relative, EBNF (Extended BNF).复杂语言的语法通常都是使用BNF(巴科斯-诺尔范式,Backus-NaurForm)表示法或者其“近亲”―EBNF(扩展的BNF)描述的。

8.Generally, increasing mineral N available to legumes reduces N derived from BNF without enhancing yield appreciably.一般来,说对豆类作物增加矿质氮的提供会减少生物固氮量而并不能明显提高产量。

9.If you're famipar with parsing, you'll quickly reapze that the second argument to the parse function is equivalent to providing a BNF.如果熟悉解析的话,将很快就明白parse函数的第二个参数相当于提供了一个BNF。

10.Although relative response to N by legume species may differ, N fertipzation will reduce nodulation and BNF by legumes.尽管不同豆类作物种对氮的反应不同,但施氮肥会减少豆类作物结瘤和生物固氮量。