




1.贞采源 植萃集植村秀( shu uemura) 贞采源( Skin healthy) 姿蒂荘典( Jon.De) ...

2.贞采源痘痘专用修护乳液当前位置: 首页 > 品牌大全 > 贞采源痘痘专用修护乳液(Skin healthy) > 贞采源痘痘专用修护乳液乳液 > 贞采源痘痘专用修护 …

3.贞采源美白去黄面贴套装当前位置: 首页 > 品牌大全 > 贞采源美白去黄面贴套装(Skin healthy) > 贞采源美白去黄面贴套装面膜 > 贞采源美白去黄面贴 …


1.A few other important things for a fashion mendel are clear skin, healthy hair, straight teeth, and a well-shaped body.其他一些重要的事情的一个时尚梅德尔是明确的,健康的头发,直齿,和男人一样的。

2.There are many vitamins and minerals that help to keep skin healthy and thus be able to serve its vital role in the protection of the body .有许多维生素和矿物质,有助于保持皮肤健康,得以发挥其重要作用,保护身体。

3.Typically you are better off using a medicated anti-bacteria shampoo on a regular basis to help keep the skin healthy.通常你最好洗发水定期帮助使用药抗细菌保持皮肤健康。

4.KEEPING skin healthy as decades pass can be as easy as remembering this adage: Accept the things you cannot change.要想随时光流逝而保持肌肤健康其实轻而易举,只需记住以下箴言:对于无法改变的事情欣然受之。

5.Watermelon also has natural substances [natural SPF sources] that keep our skin healthy, protecting our skin from those darn suv rays.西瓜是天然的防晒源,其所含的物质能有效地防紫外线,保持皮肤健康。

6.The secret to youthful skin, healthy bones, sharp memory, and disease prevention can be found in your fridge.你年轻的肌肤,健康的骨骼,敏锐的记忆力,和对疾病的抵抗力如何,所有的秘密都能够在你的冰箱中被发现。

7.A key trick to keep skin healthy and free of chemicals purchased, is to read the labels.为保健康肌肤不受化学污染,一个购物小窍门是仔细阅读产品标签上的说明。

8.Our essential oils are guaranteed pesticide free. Our head to toe lotion is for all ages. Keep skin healthy, use everyday!我们的精油保证不含杀虫剂。我们的从头到脚乳液适合任何年两。保持肌肤健康,使用每一天。

9.maintain a nutritious and high protein diet e . g . meat , eggs , milk and beans to keep skin healthy.多进食有营养,高蛋白质的食品如肉蛋奶类和豆类,以保持皮肤健康。

10.Sun protection is the fundamental step in keeping skin healthy and beautiful.防晒是基本步骤,让你的肌肤变得健康美丽。