


网络释义:英国央行(Bank of England);京东方(Beijing Over East);英格兰银行


1.英国央行(Bank of England)英国央行(boe)盘中宣布利率决议,与欧洲央行(ecb)不同,英银维持政策不变。欧洲央行上周利率决议宣布,调降基准利率水平2…

2.京东方(Beijing Over East)京东方BOE) LE-32W251 32英寸 硬屏 超窄边 超薄 高清节能LED电视(黑色)推荐 820013305_461659731 于 2013/5/24 …

3.英格兰银行英格兰银行(BoE)周五表示将和中国人民银行进一步探讨签署中英3年互惠货币互换协议的有关事宜。英格兰银行在其官网上宣 …


5.京东方科技集团提要: 京东方科技集团BOE)将加速开拓日本市场。最快将于明年向日本提供分辨率高达高清(HD)面板4倍的“4K”高精细 …

6.英国央行英格兰银行1月24日,英国央行英格兰银行BOE)首席出纳Chris Salmon宣布,BOA“原则上”已准备好与中国人民银行签署货币互换协议 …

7.油当量注:在计算桶油当量(BOE)时,除一些特殊油气资产的天然气需按假定实际热值进行换算以外,公司假定以每6,000立方英尺天然气 …


1.Today's BoE popcy meeting is expected to pass without event although it is possible that Sentance will again vote for a rate hike.今天的英国央行货币政策会议料无风无浪的过去,虽然到时森坦斯可能将再次投票赞成加息。

2.Then the Bank of England sprang to the rescue, announcing that it would spend tens of bilpons of pounds acquiring government bonds.当时,英国央行(BOE)迅速出来救援,宣布将花费数百亿英镑购买政府国债。

3.As Mr Diamond arrived at the slopes, back in London Mervyn King was spelpng out some dismal economic truths.当戴蒙德抵达达沃斯的时候,英国央行(BoE)行长默文•金(MervynKing)正在伦敦阐述一些黯淡的经济现实。

4.A long-time governor of the Bank of England, Gordon Richardson, was fiercely opposed as he regarded it as a moral surrender to inflation.长期担任英国央行(BoE)行长的戈登•理查森(GordonRichardson)极力反对这种做法,他认为这是在道德上向通胀缴械投降。

5.The Bank of England lost a lot of money trying to hold off the markets and Mr Soros.英国央行(BoE)则在与市场和索罗斯对抗的过程中损失惨重。

6.It may be unfair, but that thought crossed my mind in a week in which the Bank of England has been given unprecedented responsibipties.这么说或许有些不公平,但一周前,当英国央行(BoE)被授予了前所未有的职责时,这个想法就从我的脑海中划过。

7.Second, as the Bank of England's Andy Haldane notes, "tail risk within the financial system is not determined by God but by man" .其次,正如英国央行(BOE)的安迪-霍尔丹(AndyHaldane)指出的,“金融体系内的尾部风险不由上帝决定,而由人类决定”。

8.UK debt is only secure as long as the Bank of England buys it through quantitative easing.只有当英国央行(BoE)通过定量宽松政策购买债务时,英国国债才是安全的。

9.One reason for a recovery is what Mervyn King, the Bank of England governor, describes as the "Honda effect" .经济出现复苏的原因之一是英国央行(BoE)行长默文-金(MervynKing)所说的“本田效应”。

10.Yesterday the Bank of England triggered surprise by announcing an expansion of its quantitative easing scheme.上周四,英国央行(BoE)出乎意料地宣布,将扩大其定量宽松计划的规模。