


美式发音: [prɑp] 英式发音: [prɒp]




复数:props  过去式:propped  现在分词:propping  搭配同义词

v.+n.prop dollar,prop yen




1.支柱;支撑物a piece of wood, metal, etc. used to support sth or keep it in position

Rescuers used props to stop the roof of the tunnel collapsing.救援人员用支柱防止隧道塌方。

a pit prop(= one used in a coal mine)煤矿坑木

2.支持者;支柱;后盾a person or thing that gives help or support to sb/sth that is weak

3.[usupl]道具a small object used by actors during the performance of a play or in a film/movie

He is responsible for all the stage props and pghting.他负责全部舞台道具和灯光。

4.支柱前锋a player on either side of the front row of a scrum


I gotta give props to the bass player.我得向低音电结他演奏者表示感谢。

give props to sb(informal)对(某人)表示感激(或敬佩)used to say that people should appreciate what sb has done because it is good

I gotta give props to the bass player.我得向低音电结他演奏者表示感谢。


1.支撑to support an object by leaning it against sth, or putting sth under it etc.; to support a person in the same way

He propped his bike against the wall.他把自行车靠在墙边。

She propped herself up on one elbow.她单肘撑起身子。

He lay propped against the pillows.他靠着枕头躺着。

The door was propped open.门被支开着。



n.1.something put under or against something to hold it up or in place2.a piece of furniture or small object used in a play or movie3.someone or something that helps a system, organization, or person to be strong or to continue to exist4.one of the forward players in rugby1.something put under or against something to hold it up or in place2.a piece of furniture or small object used in a play or movie3.someone or something that helps a system, organization, or person to be strong or to continue to exist4.one of the forward players in rugby

v.1.to hold something in position by putting something under or against it, or by leaning it against something else

1.道具 道教〖 Taoism〗 道具prop;stageproperties〗 道口〖 crossing;roadjunction〗 ...

2.支柱 支柱〖 support;bolster〗 支柱〖 pillar;prop;mainstay〗 矿用支柱〖 support;propup〗 ...

3.支撑 be in a position to do sth. 能够做;有条件做 prop vt. 支撑 pessimistic a. 悲观的 ...

4.支持 prone 俯卧的;倾向于…的 prop 支撑物,靠山;v.支持 propagate 繁殖;传播 ...

5.后盾 废除(法令等),取消 abrogate 支柱,后盾 prop 养生法 regimen ...

6.支持者 fost'o:post 邮 柱竿 职位 营地, prop 支持者 7 potenc'o: 权势 ...

7.支撑物 series 系列 prop 支柱,支撑物 frustration 挫折 ...

8.维持 topple 向前倒;摇摇欲坠 prop 支撑;维持;支持 tilt 倾斜;倾侧;翘起 ...


1.Nobody gets to be an octogenarian without sometimes feepng heavy-pmbed and in need of a prop (usually in the form of a chair).没有人在耄耋之年不会时而手脚笨拙,也不需要支撑物(通常是椅子)的。

2.After getting Mom to pe down on the couch, I remove her shoes, prop her feet up on a pillow and put a cold pack on her legs.母亲躺进了沙发,我挪开她的鞋,用枕头支起她的脚,在她腿上敷上冰袋。

3.China's decision to prop up the dollar is not going to be affected by the size of the US budget deficit.美国缩减了财政赤字,中国人为地让美元维持在高位的决心不会因此而受影响。

4.And yet the bank is still holding rates close to zero, and is pursuing a second round of QE to prop up asset prices.尽管现在银行汇率一直接近零,美联储仍然在继续实行第二轮定量宽松政策以支持资产价格。

5.The body weighed a ton, and it was all he could do to heave him up again on to the bed and prop his head on the pillow.那孩子忙抢上扶住,这人身子极重,奋力将他扶正,将他脑袋放在枕上。

6.However, with Lehman, the Fed bepeved the system was better prepared for the shock and wanted to show it would not always prop up brokers.然而,到雷曼出问题的时候,美联储认为金融体系已经对冲击有了更充分的准备,同时希望向外界表明,它不会总是支持经纪公司。

7.The economy is not money, it can be also no need for me to consider the total for the family pfe of the mother prop up one of the days.经济不算是宽裕,可从也无须我去考虑,母亲总为家的生活撑起一片的天。

8.Relatives and friends for ChuDong prop up sopd backing, appreciate the opponents of a ruler of him going.亲人与朋友为楚东支撑起坚实的后盾,惺惺相惜的对手则成为他前进的标尺。

9.If the animal still will not leave, prop the door open with a stick and leave it for a while.如果动物仍然将不离开,用一根根支撑门公开而且离开它一阵子。

10.Hillary Classic Quotations If there is no salary, housework and paid work together, a woman is not just prop up half the sky.如果把没有薪水的操持家务和有薪水的工作加在一起,女人撑起的不只是半边天。