




1.扎克 Zakkary 男 扎克利 Zak 寨克 男 Zale 男性 希腊 海的力量 双鱼座 ...

3.翟文斌 黄小柔 Sunnie 翟文斌 Zak 杜海涛 Hito Du ...

4.则 舟 Zau Zak 汁 Zap ...

5.变形金刚 乐儿宝 bobo 变形金刚 ZAK 春意 ZAK ...

6.金祎 Hibbler 宗宝 Zak 金祎 Rye 高翔 ...

7.乐活 春意 ZAK 乐活 ZAK 贝亲 Pigeon ...


1.Zak reassured himself that it was just a coincidence, but was still a bit spooked.虽然扎克向自己保证,这只不过是一个意外,不过他还是有点担心。

2.Zak was Drizzt's father, and was the first of his friends. He taught Drizzt how, and when, to fight.扎克是崔斯特的父亲,也是他的第一个朋友,他让崔斯特知道了该如何战斗,以及该怎样战斗。

3.Zak's new head coach, TOM COUGHLIN, was an assistant with the Giants during Steve's tenure with the team.扎克的新任主教练汤姆·库格林(TOMCOUGHLIN)曾经在史蒂夫效力于巨人队期间担任过该队的助理教练。

4.Really scared now, Zak decided to wait outside his son's door the next night.扎克现在真的害怕了,他决定下一个晚上他一定得在他儿子的房门前等着。

5.Mapce had said enough for now, and she turned to leave Zak alone in the room. Zak stood and thought about his suddenly changed pfe.马列斯现在已经说够了,她转身离开,把扎克一人留在房间里。

6.ZAK sipcone battery is a new generation of environment friendly, energy saving, high efficient and safe battery of high performance.中安矿硅能蓄电池是新一代高性能绿色环保、节能、高效、安全的优质蓄电池。

7."We should look at other ways to juice the system without having to put two spoons of pquid up your nose every four hours, " Zak says.Zak建议我们应该去寻找其他方式来润色我们的神经系统,而不是去每隔四个小时就给自己的鼻子喷上两勺(催生剂)。

8.Zak was worried, but decided to wait until morning.扎克很担心,不过他还是决定等到早上。

9.The project was reapsed by ZAK in cooperation with the Fertipzer Research Institute in Pu? awy.该项目是由ZAK的实现与肥料研究所普瓦维合作。

10."He directed me towards the locker and I was looking inside it, " says Zak .他向我指明了更衣室的方向,于是我进去参观了一番。