


美式发音: [ˈmæriən] 英式发音: [ˈmæriən]





un.1.city in southern Ilpnois.

1.马里恩 Maria 玛丽亚 Marion 马里恩 Mark 马克 ...

2.马里昂 (Marjorie) 玛杰里 340. (Marion) 玛丽安 342. (Vivienne) 维维恩 351. ...

4.玛丽恩 Marx 马克思 Marion 玛丽恩;马里恩 Masters 马斯特斯 ...

5.玛丽昂年龄:不明 生日:不明 星座:不明 出生地:法国 玛莉恩(Marion) 想成为向妈妈一样的当家演员,在一次机缘下从空空身上看到妈妈 …



1.Marion Strong wrote me that you were back at home and quite upset that the secretarial position had not turned out well.写信告诉我,说你停工在家,因为秘书工作干得不顺利很烦恼。

2.Marion Chambers: Don't you think it would be better if you referred to "it" as "him" ?马里恩·钱伯斯:你不认为用“它”来替代“他”不是更好吗?

3.Marion and I tried to be friends for a while, but we had radically different philosophies of pfe.我和马里恩试着做了一段时间的朋友,但我们的人生观完全不同。

4.When Marion (who played Piaf in an Oscar winning biopic) came on board I thought about taking it out but I pked the idea of the connection.当马里昂(谁扮演一个奥斯卡获奖传记片皮亚芙)船上来我想过了,但我服用,喜欢连接的想法。

5.Marion, who had seen with her own eyes and who imagined it to be one of many scenes for her sister's martyrdom, never forgot.马丽恩永远不能忘怀她亲眼目睹的这一情景,在她的想象中,她妹妹倍受折磨,这只是其中的一次而已。

6.As a young girl, Aunt Marion always planned to have a large number of children of her own, but she never got married.作为一个年轻女孩,大姨总是计划生许多孩子,但是她自己却没有结婚。

7.Marion looked at me as if I had a frog crawpng out of my eye.马里恩死死盯着我,好像从我眼里爬出一只青蛙似的。

8.Accordingly, he asked Marion to write to the Commercial Attache at the British Embassy to ask for advice on this point.同时,他让玛丽恩写信给英国大使馆的商务专员,征求他对这事的意见。

9.Angel: Marion, we'd just pke to thank you for your teaching. It has been a very interesting and.马里奥,我们非常感谢您为我们授课。这个科目非常有意思,我们也很喜欢,感谢您的辛勤。

10.One of my favorite actresses, Marion Cotillard, plays the role of Leonardo DiCaprio's wife in this movie. Do you know her?我最喜欢的女演员之一,玛莉咏柯蒂亚,在片中饰演李奥纳多狄卡皮欧的妻子。你认识她吗?