


网络释义:生物反应调节剂(biologic response modifiers);驾驶台资源管理(Bridge Resource Management);生物反应修饰剂(biological response modifier)


1.生物反应调节剂(biologic response modifiers)近年来,以生物反应调节剂(BRM)为基础的生物免疫学治疗是近年来癌症免疫治疗的新进展。生物反应调节剂不仅包括目前临床 …

2.驾驶台资源管理(Bridge Resource Management)已取得驾驶台资源管理BRM)培训资质的单位不需进行现场核验,培训规模按要求执行。原仅具有油船安全知识或化学品船 …

3.生物反应修饰剂(biological response modifier)生物治疗是指通过生物反应修饰剂(BRM)对肿瘤进行治疗的一种方法。它的出现在临床治疗肿瘤方面已发挥了明显的作用,成为 …

4.业务规则管理(business rules management)1.1 业务规则管理(BRM)对银行金融业的重要性 11.2 ILOG JRULES ——为银行金融业量身打造的业务规则管理系统 31.3 ILOG …

5.中小企业融资专员(Business Relationship Manager)Business Relationship Manager (BRM) 业务关系经 理 (BRM) 负责维护与一个或多个客户关系的角色。该角色经常与 服务级别 …


1.Intraoperative or postoperative adjuvant to be intraperitoneal chemotherapy, and radiotherapy and BRM with adjuvant therapy.术中或术后早期应给辅助性腹腔内化疗,并配合放疗及BRM辅助治疗。

2.Examples of artifacts from BRM tools include rule sets, decision tables, decision trees, and score cards.BRM工具中的构件示例包括规则集、决策表、决策树和记分卡。

3.A business rules architect is the person responsible for correctly designing these BRM systems.业务规则架构师是负责正确地设计这些BRM系统的人员。

4.The crests of the BRM are rounded and spghtly sinuous and are apparently of bifurcation.波脊较圆滑、缓曲,且具明显的分叉现象。

5.Figure 2 illustrates the rules deployment process of a BRM system.图2说明了BRM系统的规则部署过程。

6.Business rules management (BRM) systems automate and manage decisions based on business rules.业务规则管理(BRM)系统则基于业务规则来自动化和管理决策。

7.In BRM, an order is a request for a physical or virtual object such as set-top converters or voucher cards.在BRM中,订单是对实物或虚物如机顶盒转换器或充值卡的一种申请。

8.What are artifacts in BRM systems?BRM系统中的构件是什么?

9.The current BRM tools allow you to have different deployment options for the rules engine. Some of these are使用目前的BRM工具可以为规则引擎使用不同的部署选项。

10.Concluding the article, Paul is critical of the current lack of integration between BPM and BRM products总结文章时,Paul对当前缺少BPM和BRM产品之间的整合持批评意见