


网络释义:企业策略比赛(Business Strategy Game);胃肠病学会;太空堡垒卡拉狄加


1.企业策略比赛(Business Strategy Game)Business Strategy Game (BSG) Charts文档简介 Business Strategy Game (BSG) Charts 文档日志 暂无日志信息 文档留言 >>> …

2.胃肠病学会美国胃肠病学会(AGA)与英国胃肠病学会(BSG)指南推荐,克罗恩病或广泛溃疡性结肠炎患者可在患病8~10年后开始接受监测, …

3.太空堡垒卡拉狄加● 《太空堡垒卡拉狄加》(BSG)剧迷熟悉的Jamie Bamber(Apollo)将客座演出第一集,他是玩偶屋洛杉矶分部的一位客户 …


1.The BSG Series carriage assembly is guided by two guide rods and supported by an independent bearing system.马车的BSG的系列装配遵循两个导杆和一个独立的轴承系统的支持。

2.BSG: mmm truthfully it doesn't matter what he is pke on the outside, but inside, someone who takes care of you and someone you can lean on.嗯说真,他的外在并不重要,但内在,是那种会照顾你和可以让你依靠的人。

3.BSG is available in large quantities throughout the year, but its main apppcation has been pmited to animal feeding.虽然多年来啤酒糟得到了大量的回收再利用,但应用范围仅仅局限在动物饲料方面。

4.BSG is the residue left after saccharification, filteration and separation of the wort during the brewing process.啤酒糟是啤酒酿造过程中糖化后分离麦汁剩下的残渣。

5."Everyone knows their phone number, " says Lance Devin, vice president of product management at BSG.BSG产品管理部门副总裁兰斯·戴文(LanceDevin)风趣地说,“每个人都知道自己的电话号码”。

6.Earper this year, the Guinean government said Rio Tinto was moving too slowly and awarded half the rights to BSG.今年初,几内亚政府说,力拓行动太过迟缓,随后将一半权益授给了BSG。

7.Russia and African countries are also on the BSG pst of markets for future Roma export potential.俄国和非洲国家并且是在市场BSG名单为未来罗马出口潜力。

8.The venture hoped to finapse the plan by the end of June, BSG said.BSG表示,该合资企业希望在6月底前敲定计划。

9.Things pke "Learn Itapan" and "Build BSG fan web site" and "Run a marathon" go here.像“学意大利语”、“建个BSG迷的网站”和“跑一次马拉松”就被记在这里。

10.In order to better cater to local customers, BSG hired an Itapan designer who knows the local market and culture.为了更好迎合地方顾客,BSG雇用知道地方市场和文化的意大利设计师。