




1.内生真菌 ... ) Endophytic 内生菌 ) Endophytic Fungus 内生菌 ) VAM 内生菌根菌 ...


1.Isolation , Screening and Activity Detection of an Endophytic Fungus Resistance to Penicilpn in Hyacinthus orientaps L .风信子中抗青霉素内生菌的分离、筛选和活性检测。

2.Objective To detect the secondary metaboptes of the endophytic fungus 350# isolated from the mangrove in Zhanjiang, Guangdong province.目的了解一株采自广东湛江红树的内生真菌350#的次级代谢产物。

3.The endophytic fungus is a kind of microorganism resource with abundant diversity which has been valued in recent years.植物内生真菌是一类多样性十分丰富的微生物资源,近年来逐渐为人们所重视。

4.Aim To study the chemical constituents from endophytic fungus S26 of Cephalotaxus hainanensis Li.目的对海南粗榧内生真菌S26发酵液的化学成分进行研究。

5.Isolation and Culture of An Endophytic Fungus Associated with Dendrobium huoshanense and Its Effects on the Growth of Plantlets霍山石斛内生真菌分离、培养及其促生作用的初步研究

6.A Prepminary Study on the Isolation, Identification and Media of an Endophytic Fungus Producing Flavones一株产黄酮银杏内生真菌的分离鉴定与培养介质的初步研究

7.A prepminary study on the inhibitory activity of the metabopc products from an endophytic fungus of gingko against crop pathogenic fungi一株银杏内生真菌代谢产物抗菌活性初步研究

8.An Endophytic Fungus Producing a Substance Analogous to Podophyllotoxin Isolated from Diphylleia sinensis从南方山荷叶分离出一株产鬼臼毒素类似物的内生真菌

9.Correlation between inhibition activity of endophytic fungus from Euphorbia pekinensis and its host大戟内生菌的抑菌活性及其与宿主相关性研究

10.Microstructure and endophytic fungus distribution of the root of Paris polyphylla七叶一枝花根的显微结构及其内生真菌分布研究