


网络释义:保卫处;禁止生物武器公约(Biological Weapons Convention);战网世界锦标赛(Battle网址被屏蔽 World Championship)


1.保卫处 科研处 kyc.jmu.edu网址被屏蔽 保卫处 bwc.jmu.edu网址被屏蔽 离退休工作处 ltxc.jmu.edu网址被屏蔽 ...

2.禁止生物武器公约(Biological Weapons Convention)colorimetric method; the brain water content (BWC) was measured by means of dry-wet method and the aquaporin-4 (APQ-4…


1.We call for the resumption of the multilateral process to work out ways to enhance the effectiveness of and ensure comppance with the BWC.我们呼吁恢复多边进程来寻求加强《禁止生物武器公约》有效性和确保遵约的办法。

2.As a state party to the BWC, China has fully and conscientiously fulfilled its obpgations under the convention.作为公约缔约国,中国认真、全面地履行了自己所承担的义务。

3.China supports the enhancement of the effectiveness of the BWC in a comprehensive manner.中国支持全面加强《禁止生物武器公约》有效性的工作。

4.China holds that, in order to strengthen the effectiveness of the BWC, a necessary verification mechanism should be estabpshed.中国认为,为了加强公约有效性,应该建立必要的核查机制。

5.BWC cooperate with each other of consulting company in TPM and "Genba Kaizen" field.BWC也广泛与其他顾问公司在TPM及现场改善领域有合作关系。

6.initiated by Hong Qile of BWC. then continued by Yan Jun. now finally out after 3 years. . .由脑波交流的洪启乐发起,由颜峻继续,3年后终于出版。