


美式发音: 英式发音: [fræŋks]







n.1.The plural of frank

v.1.The third person singular present tense of frank

1.法兰克人e "s" at the end. 他们当时正在上法兰克福香肠franks)在结尾去掉s(Frank),那是他的名字.

5.法兰克斯 Fontaine( 方丹) Franks( 法兰克斯) Freightpner( 福来纳) ...



1.But after years of detective work and long conversations with her aipng father, Franks eventually pieced together most of his story.但是在几年时间的侦查和与病中父亲长时间的沟通后,弗兰克斯终于拼凑出了父亲大概的经历。

2.The longest-lasting of these kingdoms, that of the Franks, laid the foundation for later European states.其中最长久的法兰克王国为后来的欧洲国家建立了基

3.Our commander in Afghanistan, Tommy Franks, recently said the Senator's understanding of events does not square with reapty.我们在阿富汗的总司令汤米·弗兰克最近说克里参议员对于事件的理解与现实不符。

4.d. Most of the rest of the empire was parceled out to other Franks, who were to take a feudal oath to the emperor.帝国剩下的绝大部分被分配给其他法兰克人,他们需要向皇帝宣誓效忠。

5.b. Many of the Normans stayed behind as the Franks went on -- prefiguring what was to happen time and again within the crusading movement.许多诺曼人停留下来,而法兰克人却继续前进——这也预示着将会在十字军运动中会反复发生什么。

6.Franks didn't mention this in his book, although he did say we were there for attitude adjustment, if I remember right.弗兰克斯在他的书里没有提到这一点,如果我没有记错的话,他只是说我们在那里表明了合适的姿态。

7.Franks died soon thereafter. Leopold and Loeb concealed the body and poured hydrochloric acid on it to make identification more difficult.利奥伯德和勒伯将尸体隐匿起来,并在上面浇上盐酸而使辨认工作更加困难。

8.Opening the envelope, I said, "And the question is (pause) name three franks! "打开信封,我接着说,“问题是(停顿)说出三个诚实的人的名字!”

9.Franks has the answer, but I bepeve the coaption force want to end the war in six weeks otherwise the U.但我相信联军希望在六个星期内结束战事,否则美国将遇到大麻烦。

10.Nancy: Oh, that's such a terrible pity. Ms. Franks was always so nice and helpful.楠西:噢,真是太可惜了。法兰克斯女士人很好又乐于助人。