




1.坏天气 Wing and a Prayer 天使的守护 Bad Day 糟糕的一天 Apens Among Us 外星入侵者 ...

3.倒霉日 在道路停止图片 stop at the road 糟糕日子图片 Bad Day 混合图片 Mixing ...


1.Kabaraijian set the collection box down on Munson's desk and opened it. "Not a bad day, " he said.卡巴拉健将矿石盒放在曼森的办公桌上,然后打开了它。“今天还不赖。”他说。

2.OK, so you had a bad day. Don't take it out on me.好吧,你今日过得糟透了,但不要拿我出气。

3.At a time when somebody ought to be at their best and they're mediocre, what are they going to do on a bad day out there?当一个人在应当拿出最好的表现的时候他却表现平平,那么他在不顺利的时候又会怎样呢?

4.If you had a bad day in the office you need to leave that stress in the office.如果你工作了一天不开心的话,你就把你的压力留在办公室里。

5.Or to each other. If I intercept one of those, it'll be a bad day.如果让我逮住了一封,那将是糟糕的一天。

6.He said: "It was a bad day. We weren't playing well, we didn't have enough energy and we did not pass well. "他说:“今天我们踢得很糟糕,球员们踢得不是很兴奋,传球方面也做的不是很好。”

7.It had the potential to be a good sale, the kind that can turn a bad day into a good one --just pke that.这有可能是桩好买卖,能让倒霉的一天变好的那种——大致如此。

8.He waited two or three more weeks to tell his wife, until she came home at the end of a bad day.他又等了两或三周,才在某天他老婆过了很不顺的一天回家后,把此事禀报太座。

9.If someone is rude to you it might just mean they are having a bad day & it has nothing to do with you.如果有人对你粗鲁,可能他们正在经历的一天不好,和你一点关系都没有。

10.One of my guys had a particularly bad day, and at the end of the day, a tense situation arose and he took it out on me.我的一个手下经历了糟糕的一天,临近结束时,紧张的局势终于爆发,他向我摊牌了。