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1.班柯备受器重的大将军,在一次战胜返国的路途上,和 好友班戈Banquo)遇上了三位巫婆,巫婆预言马克白将成为葛莱密思领 …

3.班克 Macbeth 麦克白 Banquo 班克 Malcolm 马克穆 ...

4.马克白与班戈次,第一次是该剧第一幕第三场,在拯救国家的英雄麦克白和班柯Banquo)胜利班师回国途中,三个女巫在荒野里等候着 …

6.班珂将军白(Macbeth) 在登基不久后,就把其得力助手班珂将军 (Banquo) 干掉; 克劳底欧斯国王 (King Claudius) 一再要谋杀受民众 …

7.班珂uncan)手下两名大将马克白(Macbeth)、班珂Banquo)在战争中骁勇善战,深得邓肯赏识,当邓肯将不忠的考道伯爵处 …

8.班科在马克白眼中,地狱有著班科Banquo)的脸孔;对於美蒂亚(Medea),地狱则是她亲手杀害的子女的脸孔。加里想像过要 …


1.Macbeth Both of you know Banquo was your enemy.你们都知道班克是你们的敌人。

2.This week, as OPEC geared itself up for its birthday feast, Mr. Yamani surfaced as Banquo's ghost, complete with doom-laden predictions.本周当欧佩克在忙于准备其生日盛宴时,亚马尼又象班柯的幽灵那样出现了。

3.Banquo So I lose none in seeking to augment it. I shall be counselled.让我想想吧。我不希望在获得荣誉时,失去了本有的荣誉。

4.ill be decorated with hamlet hamburger bars, the lear lounge, the banquo banqueting room, and so forth, and will be very expensive.希尔顿正在那里建造自己的饭店,你可以肯定饭店会装修哈姆莱特汉堡吧、李尔王厅、班戈宴会厅等等之类,而且消费水平会非常高。

5.Banquo Too cruel anywhere. Macduff, I prithee contradict thyself and say it is not so.不管怎样这太残忍了。麦克达夫,请你告诉我这不是真的。

6.Banquo Were such things here as we do speak about? Or have we eaten on the insane root, that takes reason prisoner?我们刚刚是不是在跟他们说话?还是我们吃错了药然后有了幻觉?

7.Banquo All's well. I dreamt last night of the three wired sisters. To you they have showed some truth.对你也一样。昨晚我梦到了那奇怪的三姐妹。针对你的诺言看来是应验一些了。

8.Banquo Thank, sir. The pke to you.谢谢,先生,您也一样。

9.Banquo Whither are they vanished?她们跑哪儿去了?

10.He asks if Banquo's issue shall reign in Scotland.他怀疑班柯的后嗣会君临苏格兰。