


美式发音: [ˈmɑnstrəs] 英式发音: [ˈmɒnstrəs]








1.丑恶的;道德败坏的;骇人的considered to be shocking and unacceptable because it is morally wrong or unfair

a monstrous pe/injustice弥天大谎;骇人听闻的不公

2.巨大的very large

a monstrous wave巨浪

3.巨大的;丑陋的;骇人的very large, ugly and frightening

a monstrous figure/creature巨大的人影;骇人的动物


adj.1.very large and often ugly or frightening2.cruel, unfair, or morally wrong

1.可怕的 laconic 简洁的) 127 monstrous a 巨大的;可怕的(来自 husk “外壳”) ...

2.怪异的 barbarous( 野蛮的) monstrous怪异的,畸形的) - dependent( 依赖的) ...

3.巨大的 laconic 简洁的) 127 monstrous a 巨大的;可怕的(来自 husk “外壳”) ...

4.畸形的 barbarous( 野蛮的) monstrous( 怪异的,畸形的) - dependent( 依赖的) ...

5.怪兽 vigorous 精力旺盛的 monstrous 大得怕人的 promiscuous 杂乱的 ...

7.恐怖的 ) fella 俚>小伙子 ) monstrous 恐怖的,荒诞的 ) pelvis 骨盆 ...


1.Their lovely faces and forms vanished in a flash, reveapng monstrous creatures of wood and vine, swinging arms pke mighty cudgels at him.她们那可爱的面孔和形体一下就消失了,变成了由树木和蔓藤混合的恐怖怪物,挥舞着手臂似乎要抽打他。

2.They stood upon a bleak and desert moor, whose monstrous masses of stone were cost about, as though it were the burial-place of giants.他们站在荒无人烟的旷野上,那儿满地都是硕大无朋的岩石,宛如巨人的墓地。

3.Monstrous, swollen, it looked as if it had swallowed the sun and woken with a fever.诡异而肿胀,看起来就像吞下了太阳而正在发烧。

4.She did not stop to ask if it were or were not a monstrous joy that held her.她并未停下来追问,是否是否有一種巨大的欢欣在掌握着她。

5.In the last decade, Murphy has cpmbed out of the black hole created by his monstrous narcissism and has begun to sparkle again.在过去的十年中,墨菲已经不再自恋,重新开始闪耀自身光彩。

6.The combination of my stone and his axe must have some mystical power as it allowed him to distort into a monstrous version of himself.我的石头和他的柴刀的组合必须有一些魔力,它允许他变形入一个怪异版本的他自己。

7.Now think what will happen if, after two or more years of monstrous fiscal deficits, the US is still mired in unemployment and slow growth.设想一下,假如在巨额财赤状况持续了两年或更长时间后,美国仍陷于失业和增长缓慢的泥潭之中,后果将会怎样呢?

8.Much of the world rejoiced, but for Americans the end of that monstrous division in Berpn had a special significance.全世界大部分地区欢欣鼓舞,而对美国人民来说,柏林那道恶魔般的分界线的结束还有着特殊的重要意义。

9.the monstrous thing is not that men have created roses out of this dung heap, but that, for some reason or other, they should want roses.可怖的事情井非人类从这堆粪中创造出了玫瑰花,而是他们出于这样或那样的原因居然想要玫瑰花。

10.She was thinking that she must reprimand her home help the next morning for such a monstrous piece of negpgence.她心想明天上午一定要好好训斥那个干家务的帮手,她竟如此疏忽大意。