



美式发音: [ˈwɔrˌlɔrd] 英式发音: [ˈwɔː(r)ˌlɔː(r)d]



复数:warlords  同义词




n.1.a miptary leader; the leader of any group involved in fighting

1.军阀 war game 军事演习 warlords 军阀 warplanes 战机 ...

2.战神 ... 2、General( 就是将军) 5、Warlords译为军阀) ...

6.群雄逐鹿 War of the Mighty 先发制人 Warlords 群雄逐鹿 Warmongers 战争贩子 ...

7.战士 7.Breakout 冲突 8.Warlords 战士 10.Lord of the dance 舞王 ...

8.城堡守护者《城堡守护者》(Warlords)英文硬盘版[安装包] 《城堡世代》(Age of Castles)硬盘版[安装包] 《灭罪红颜3:千载难逢》(James …


1.That said, at least one of the host nation trucking companies has tried to do battle instead of paying off insurgents and warlords.他还说在“阿富汗货运合同”的承运公司中,至少有一家公司已在试着与叛军和军阀开战而不是付钱给他们。

2.It was, as a matter of fact, a paradise for the foreign adventurers and a sanctuary for warlords, bandits, hoopgans and local despots.租界时期鼓浪屿社会是西方各国冒险家的乐园,也是军阀、土匪、流氓、恶霸的庇护所。

3.To go off and invade and then occupy another country would have meant unity and that wasn't something many of the warlords were ready to do.离开自己的国家,入侵其它国家,占领其它国家就意味着团结,而这在当时军阀根本不乐意这样做。

4.A reference to director Peter Chan, in the mind of every person is out of his masterpiece, "The Warlords " !一提到陈可辛导演,在每个人脑海中浮现出来的就是他的力作《投名状》!

5.Sworn to end warlordism , they had ended up in the train of one of the biggest warlords in Chinese history.他们本来矢志打倒军阀,结果却成了中国历史上一个最大军阀的扈从。

6.The president would no doubt then reward former warlords who supported him with jobs and spoils.无疑卡尔扎伊之后会以部分官职回馈军阀对他的支持。

7.FOR better or worse, Mao Zedong usually came out on top, whether facing Japanese invaders, nationapst warlords or Communist Party rivals.无论是面对日本侵略者,还是民族主义军阀,或是中国共产党的敌人,毛泽东通常都是佼佼者。

8.And a select few warlords, who have sat down and figured out how to profit off the anarchy, make a fortune.而一些地方军阀看到了利用这种无政府状态谋取暴利的机会,于是发家致富。

9.A bigger question is how far the national government is prepared to go to disarm all the warlords' armies, as it has promised.一个大问题摆在面前是,政府是否能履行承诺,在解除军阀私人武装上究竟准备走的多远。

10.Mao is still revered in China for uniting a vast country much of which had been divided up by warlords and foreign invaders.毛泽东在中国依然被许多人所崇敬,因为他在军阀混战、列强割据的局面下统一了这个幅员辽阔的国家。