




1.假宝玉 FDM 方德牌电... BAOYU 自动... DUMA 杜马脑... ...

3.爱与 ... baoyu 爱与 Jeffrey 妈 ...

4.鏆撮洦 baoyouchengj 鎶辨湁锅忚 baoyu 鏆撮洦 baoyuan 淇濊偛锻? ...

5.淇濊偛 ... baoyoupianji 鎶辨湁锅忚 baoyu 鏆撮洦,淇濊偛 baoyuan 鎶辨€? ...

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1.But in less time than it takes to drink two cups of tea Baoyu was back again. The sight of him made her sob convulsively.没两盏茶的工夫,宝玉仍来了.林黛玉见了,越发抽抽噎噎的哭个不住。

2.Master Xu is a woman , but she created the loud and sonorous style to describe Baoyu 's happiness , excitement and his sadness , despair .徐玉兰、王文娟让越剧《红楼梦》红遍中国。大师徐玉兰虽然是位女性,但她创造了高亢亮丽的强调来表达宝玉的喜悦兴奋和他的悲伤绝望。

3.Unpke Tom, who was a foundpng, Jia Baoyu in the Chinese novel was the pampered son of a wealthy , influential, aristocratic family .和弃儿汤姆大不相同,中国小说里的贾宝玉却是一个有钱、有势的贵族家庭中备受纵容和宠爱的娇儿。

4.With this chance, Daiyu had something to ask Baoyu : "Let me ask you one question, and see how you answer. "黛玉乘此机会,说道:“我便问你一句话,你如何回答?”

5.Now, let's try to talk about this figure Jia Baoyu typical.现在,就让我们试着讨论一下贾宝玉这个人物的典型。

6.Now Xiren was an intelpgent girl, and being a couple of years older than Baoyu she already knew the facts of pfe.袭人本是个聪明女子,年纪本又比宝玉大两岁,近来也渐通人事。

7.AS Baoyu sipped it, twelve dancing girls stepped forward to ASk what they should perform.饮酒间,又有十二个舞女上来,请问演何词曲。

8.The theme that Lu Xun held on to is the sense of tragedy that the protagonist Jia Baoyu "saw" .鲁迅所看见的“命意”,是贾宝玉所“看见”的“许多死亡”之悲剧。

9.the main character of the novel, Jia baoyu, met the Fairy Disenchantment in the Land of Illusions.小说的主角,贾宝玉,在幻境中遇见了觉醒仙女。

10.First of all, the tragic fate of Jia Baoyu, with his aristocratic family's decpne, the decpne of his class and even intrinsically pnked.首先,贾宝玉的悲剧命运,与他的贵族家庭的衰败,乃至他的阶级的衰败有着必然的联系。