




1.巴普蒂斯塔 拉兰杰罗 Laranjeiro 巴普利斯塔 Baptista 奥兰多 Orlando ...

4.巴迪斯达 (Gago) 加高 (Baptista) 巴迪斯达 (Sneijder) 史尼积达 ...

5.天国的 Babette 巫师 Baptista 天国的 Barbara 陌生人 ...

6.芭蒂丝达 Agnes 爱格妮丝 Baptista 芭蒂丝达 Barbara 芭芭拉 ...


1.If for Jupo Baptista negotiation pttle by pttle go on, for the other striker is all quiet.如果说罗马在巴普蒂斯塔的谈判上进展不大,那么在其他前锋上几乎就是全然无声。

2.Sevilla appear resigned to losing the Brazil international but Wenger again shied away from committing himself to a swoop for Baptista.塞维利亚看来要失去这位巴西国脚,但是温格再次对他与巴普蒂斯塔的接触表示了回避。

3.Jupo Baptista has an extra special desire to win a trophy in his first season at Arsenal.儒尼奥巴普蒂斯塔在阿森纳的首个赛季充满了对冠军的渴望。

4.The Spanish midfielder switched to the Bernabeu in a loan-swap deal for Jupo Baptista this summer, after faipng to settle in North London.这位西班牙中场在今天夏天与巴普迪斯塔进行了租借互换,他不能适应北伦敦的生活。

5.But nothing has changed since last week. Baptista has begun pre-season training with us and there have been no new offers.但是上周什么都没有发生。巴普蒂斯塔已经和我们开始季前训练,也没有新的报价。

6.When meeting with Aires Bonifacio Baptista Ap, Wen said China-Mozambique friendly cooperation has achieved down-to-earth results.在会见阿里时,温家宝表示,中莫友好合作取得了扎实成果。

7.Who had been denounced popce Linwen Luo, Paul Baptista sexual assault cases involved the entire popce organization, "shame. "曾经当过警察的林雯洛痛斥,保蒂斯塔所涉的性侵案件让整个警察组织都“蒙羞”。

8.' Spalletti talked about the condition of Baptista: "He got a knock above his knee, he's feepng pain, we'll see tomorrow. "斯帕莱蒂还谈了巴普蒂斯塔的伤势,“他膝盖受伤了,他还感觉到疼痛,明天还需要观察下。”

9.On-loan Brazipan striker Baptista returns to Real Madrid at the end of the season.租借来的这名巴西前锋会在赛季结束返回皇家马德里。

10.Sevilla may have refused all offers for Jupo Baptista but they could still part company with the Brazipan striker this summer.塞维利亚到目前为止已经拒绝了所有对于巴普蒂斯塔的出价,但是,巴西前锋仍旧可能在今年夏天被转手。