




1.天地玄黄 69 Chaource 沙乌斯起司 70 Baraka 巴拉卡起司 74 Geramont 捷拉蒙起司 ...

4.巴拉卡乳酪 ... 5,Chaource 修尔斯乳酪 6,Baraka 巴拉卡乳酪 White wine 白葡萄酒 ...

5.美是一种信仰 ... kilby( 水清浅) baraka( 美是一种信仰) huyo( 每天多吃一点 ) ...

6.巴拉克治疗者既不被视为圣者,也不依赖被视为圣者信仰中心要素的巴拉克(baraka),但在治疗当中有向真主祈愿的行为。这与圣者信 …


1.She began to make a fuss asking from where he got the coins. Finally he told her that it was the baraka of the Shaykh.她吵吵闹闹的问金币来源,塔威不得已告诉她这是导师的恩赐。

2.A rich buffet breakfast is served in the Baraka Restaurant which is known as one of the best restaurants in the Budapest.Baraka餐厅供应丰盛的自助早餐,这里也被誉为是布达佩斯最优秀的餐厅。

3.I arrived in Baraka, a town on Lake Tanganyika that was overrun with Congolese soldiers and international aid workers, in February 2007.2007年2月,我到达坦噶尼喀湖边的小镇巴拉卡,这个小镇到处是刚果士兵和联合国援助工人。

4.FREEDOM A man is either free or he is not. There cannot be any apprenticeship for freedom. I Baraka. French Writer人要么是自由的,要么是不自由的,从来就不存在过渡阶段。法国作家巴拉卡A。