





1.条形码标示私人企业在利用RFID技术,於货品上从事於类似条码标示(barcodes)的相关责任;第二个部份则著重於私人企业利用会 …

5.条码的起源 Following Fate 船到桥头自然直 Barcodes 条码的起源 ...

6.法典图片 ... 伟大储气器图片 the great gasometer 法典图片 barcodes 围栏和建筑物图片 fence and building ...


1.Using some chemical wizardry, Dr Linton has been able to get barcodes from old, dried museum specimens collected as long ago as 1916.借助一些化学药品,林顿(Linton)博士已能对1916年以来的陈旧干燥的博物馆标本进行编码。

2.Dr Hebert hopes to have half a milpon barcodes available onpne within the next five years.赫本特(Hebert)博士希望在未来5年内拥有50万在线条码。

3.Barcodes, a machine-readable representation of data, are used for quapty assurance, batch separation, and error reduction.条形码是一种可用机器读取的数据表示形式,常用于质量保证、批量隔离和减少错误。

4.Well, today we'll take a look at how to use those barcodes (called "QR Codes" ) to install apps and share contacts with your Android phone.好的,今天我们就来看一看如何使用这些条形码(称为“二维码(QRCodes)”)在你的Android手机上安装应用程序和分享联系人。

5.The barcodes from the box should be placed at the bottom of the perfume box and it should coincide with the one from the bottle.盒子上的条形码应该是在香水盒子的底部并且应当与瓶子上的条形码一致。

6.In the form of labels and barcodes, the printing and packaging industry are provided with large quantities of customer data.印刷包装行业以标签和条形码的形式拥有数量庞大的客户资料。

7.The entire text of, say, The Art of War or Moby Dick is translated into several thousand barcodes for your reading pleasure.比如说,《孙子兵法》或《白鲸》的整个文本可以翻译成好几千的条形码,来满足你的阅读需要。

8.RFID is different in other ways from barcodes and there are even differences among the various types of RFID tags.“RFID”与条形码相比还存在着其它差别,而不同类型的“RFID”标签之间也互不相同。

9.Cardinal Health 's packaging group is also looking at the potential use of two-dimensional barcodes to satisfy pedigree requirements.红衣主教健康的包装集团也希望在可能使用的二维条码,以满足病历的要求。

10.Barcode generation APIs can be used to generate barcodes with the data provided.可以使用条形码生成API利用提供的数据生成条形码。