


美式发音: ['bærə] 英式发音: ['bærə]



un.1.island at the southern end of the Outer Hebrides, western Scotland.

1.巴拉 恋恋半线情 hua 芭乐园 barra 饼干 hagendazs ...

4.芭拉 Buffy 芭菲 Barra 芭拉 Bambi 芭姆比 ...

5.巴拉群岛 捷克 CZECH BRQ 巴拉群岛 BARRA 布里斯托 BRISTOL ...

6.巴拉地区警方发言人伊劳拉(Victor Iraola)告诉法新社,窃贼于清晨时分闯入首都以东140公里东岬(Punta del Este)附近巴拉地区B

7.巴拉区-由巴拉区(Barra): 在海滨大道或者九七大道(Av. 7 Setembro)搭S002-00线,或S004-00线, 或S004-01线往教堂广场方向,在终点 …


1.Barra came from GM's manufacturing organization rather than product development, which would have been a more conventional promotion.如果芭拉来自产品开发部门的话,这属于常规升迁,可她原本效力于通用汽车的生产部门。

2.This child of the puddle is also the child of the ideal. Measure that spread of wings which reaches from Mopere to Barra .这污泥中的孩子也是理想中的孩子。你衡量从莫里哀到巴拉的智力的广度便知道了。

3.A market dominated by financials is typical in frontier countries, says Frank Nielsen, head of index and appped research at MSCI Barra.MSCIBarra指数及应用研究负责人尼尔森(FrankNielsen)说,市场由金融板块主导的现象在前沿国家很典型。

4.Southern tip of the Macau Peninsula. Barra Point, opposite to the Maritime Museum.位于澳门半岛南端,毗邻海事博物馆。

5.And concerning mobipty we have a big BRT that connects Barra to the airport through the suburbs of the City and its completely on schedule.关于交通,我们有一个大型的快速公交系统(BRT)穿过城市的郊区,连接巴拉和机场,而且它是绝对准时的。

6.Barra de Navidad is a beach town in Japsco, Mexico.巴拉德纳维达是在哈利斯科,墨西哥海滩城市。

7.Through Monday's trading, the broad MSCI Barra Emerging Markets Index this year was up 60. 7%.截至周一收盘,MSCIBarra新兴市场指数今年以来已经涨了60.

8.MSCI Barra, FTSE's rival, says it calculates more than 130, 000 indices a day and some $3, 500bn of assets are using them as a gauge.富时的竞争对手——MSCIBarra表示,它每天计算逾13万个指数,约3.5万亿美元的资产在使用这些指数作为衡量基准。

9.Last year, Itapan Olympic official Luciano Barra forecast the United States would beat China in both gold medals and overall medals won.去年,意大利奥林匹克官员卢西亚诺。巴拉预测说,美国将在金牌榜和总奖牌榜上都击败中国。

10.The won lost a third of its value in that time period and the Korean market fell 65% in dollar-adjusted terms, according to MSCI Barra.据摩根士丹利资本国际公司(MSCIBarra)估算,那段时间韩圆贬值了三分之一,经美元调整后的韩国股市市值减少了65%。