




1.尼克托人 Ithorian 埃索瑞安人 Nikto 尼克图人 Quarren 夸润人 ...

4.日高 软件大小: 162KB 软件名称nikto 操作系统: Linux,FreeBSD,UNIX ...

6.远昌 苹果 APPLE 远昌 NIKTO 三星 SAMSUNG ...


1.Jedi Master Di is a Nikto, a species first introduced in Star Wars: Episode V Return of the Jedi as underpngs of Jabba the Hutt.绝地大师殆是个尼克托人,这个种族在《星球大战6:绝地归来》里作为赫特人贾巴的手下第一次被介绍给观众。

2.For this, the Nikto were grateful, and readily agreed to join the growing community of Hutt-controlled worlds.尼克托人为此感激不已,决意加入赫特人统治下的不断强盛的共同体。

3.Since that time, the blood cult has arisen anew on several occasions, each time being put down by the Nikto, the Jedi, the Hutts or others.从那以后,血腥的邪教屡次死灰复燃,又屡次被尼克托人自己、绝地武士、赫特人或其他人扑灭。

4.During production, Nikto doubled as both a character and species name.制作过程中,尼克托既是角色名也是种族名。

5.The hand design changed, though, perhaps suggesting yet another Nikto sub-race not yet accounted for.手部设计也被更改了,这也许暗示着又一个未加说明的尼克托人亚种。