




1.虎妈战歌接受的,记录着自己以中国传统方式教养子女的大作《严母战歌(Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother)》在正式出售前,其教养方 …

6.虎妈妈的战曲  6. 虎妈妈的战曲Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother) 蔡美儿  7. 我的奋斗史(I Beat the Odds) 迈克尔·奥默等  8.

7.老虎母亲的战歌  “亲爱的老虎妈妈: 因为你发布回忆录《老虎母亲的战歌》(Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother),你已经接收了许多的批评,有些人 …

8.虎妈的战争之歌在饱受争议的自传《虎妈的战争之歌》(Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother)中,这位耶鲁大学的法学教授蔡美儿(Amy Chua) …


1.It was an excerpt of her parenting book, the "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. "这篇文章摘自她的教子经《虎妈战歌》。

2.Chua excoriates in her book "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, " first excerpted in The Wall Street Journal earper this month.本报曾在本月早些时候第一时间发表了蔡美儿新书--《虎妈的凯歌》的节选。

3.If this were the entirety of "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, " this book would not be destined for major best sellerdom.如果“虎妈高唱战歌”只是这些内容的话,它就不会成为一本畅销书。

4.Were we, as Amy Chua said in her best-selpng memoir, "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, " raising children who were "soft" and "entitled? "我们是不是像AmyChua在她畅销回忆录《虎妈的战斗赞美诗》中写的那样,过于温和的养育子女呢?

5.So "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother" chronicles its author's constant demanding, wheedpng, scolding and screaming.因此《虎妈高唱战歌》是一部作者不断苛求、哄骗、责骂和尖叫的“编年史”。

6.and the tiger at Yale. Amy Chua's "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother" has brought widespread reaction this past week.面对中国虎妈蔡爱眉的那本《虎妈的战歌》,在过去一周里,反响是铺天盖地。

7.Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother written by Amy Chua has started a storm in both America and China.蔡美儿写的虎妈战歌在中美掀起了一场风暴。

8.However, her book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, which I am in the middle of, is a very funny, touching, self-effacing, comppcated work.不过,她的书《虎妈战歌》(我刚读了一半)是一部很有趣、很感人、很谦虚、很复杂的作品。

9.In many respects Mrs Meng resembles the Chinese parents described in Amy Chua's book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother.孟相依,一个七岁小孩的母亲如是说。在很多方面孟女士像Amy《虎妈战歌》里面描述的中国父母一样。

10.But reading the book, "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, " it can be hard to tell when she is kidding.但读《虎妈的战歌》一书,很难看出她哪里是在开玩笑。