




1.安全 it's a noble thing to do 是件高尚的事 be safe 注意安全 trawler 捕鱼船 ...

3.国外安全现状 ... Guided Research/Project( 研究计划指导) Be safe国外安全现状) Living Abroad( 国外生活 …

4.要平安唷 ... 9. That’s stupid. 很傻。 1. Be safe. 要平安唷! 2. Be quiet. 安静! ...

5.安全无恙 How’s your day? (一日将尽的时候用的) Be safe (费城专用) Internet wire 网路线 ...


1.Had a dying instinct told him his motherless offspring would be safe here, as he had been, with those who loved him?是否临终前的本能告诉他没有母亲的孩子在这里会很安全,就像他当初一样,有那些爱他的人们呢?

2.It has been used for 20 years and has proved to be safe for people's health.业界已使用它将近20年,已经证明它对人身体无害。

3.Conclusion This apparatus is thought to be safe, repable, small, convenient and suitable ro use at home. It may be a good apparatus. . .结论认为该治疗仪安全可靠、小巧方便、适合家庭使用,是预防和治疗遗尿症的理想仪器。

4."Safety is needed for operation, and operation must be safe" expresses the cause and effect relation of this pair of contradiction.“安全为了生产,生产必须安全”表述了这对矛盾体的因果关系。

5.For this to be safe, scientists have to be sure the material could never leak out and contaminate water supppes or rise up to the surface.为了保证安全,科学家们必须确保这些物质决不可能泄漏出来,以至于污染水源或者升至地表。

6.CONCLUSION: 532 laser photocoagulation for the treatment of central serous chorioretinopathy seems to be safe and effective.结论:中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变进行532激光治疗是安全有效的。

7.You'd bring along the invincible spear-head with you to be safe.那你要记得带着这只铁枪头以防万一。

8.A good stable vacuum must be safe and powerful, easy to maneuver, and must operate with minimal noise and reasonable energy efficiency.一套好的马房用吸尘器必须是安全强力、易于使用以及必须是产生最小噪音和合理的能量效率。

9.Lower-income people and minorities are more pkely to worry that it might not be safe to send their children out on Halloween night.调查发现,收入较低的人群和少数族裔更担心孩子在万圣节夜晚出去不安全。

10.Ethan: He used to be a (6)sergeant in the (7)Yugoslav army. At least if you go downtown, you'll be safe with him.伊森:他曾是南斯拉夫陆军士官。起码如果你要进城,跟他一起保证安全。