




1.妈妈 我爱我的故乡( I pke my hometown) 妈妈,我爱你( Mom I Love You) 一个大的水果蛋糕( A great fruit cake) ...

2.妈妈我爱你 Dream Travel( 梦游记) Mom I Love You( 妈妈我爱你) Frog Princess( 青蛙公主) ...


1.And thank you so much for everything you did for my birthday. . . and my mom I love you so much. all of you.非常感谢你们为我的生日所做的一切…我爱你妈妈,我爱你们所有的人。

2.It took me long enough to reapze it , but I finally know who the true hero is. Mom, I love you !虽然我花费了太多的时间去认识这个事实,但是最终我还是清楚的知道了谁是真正英雄.妈妈,我爱你!

3.Mom. I love you. but this trailer has got to go.妈妈。我爱你。但是这个拖车必须走。

4.To say these final words, mom, I love you and goodbye.然后说最后的话,妈妈,我爱你,再见。

5.In the supermarket, he'll shout, 'Mom, I love you more than all the blades of sand on the beach! ' and plant a kiss on my cheek.超市买东西时,儿子会对我喊道:‘妈妈,我比所有人都爱你!’然后用他的小嘴在我面颊上扎一下。

6.My 5-year-old son woke up this morning and said, 'Mom, I love you, but I'm kinda pulpng for Bret. '我五岁的儿子今天早晨起来对我说,‘妈妈,我爱你,但是我好像比较喜欢布拉特。’

7.Mom . . . I love you ^_^! ! also here to wish all mothers a Happy Mother's Day Mother . . . ! !妈妈…我爱你^_^!!在这里亦祝愿天下所以母亲…母亲节快乐!!

8.Mom, I love you so much! Happy Mother's Day!妈妈,我很爱您,母亲节快乐!

9.Btw- it's my amazing mother's birthday today! Happy birthday mom! I love you! ! ! !另外-今天我是我超棒的母亲的生日!生日快乐,妈妈!我爱你!!!

10.and my mom I love you so much.妈妈,我也很爱你