




1.贝克力 米切尔 Mitchell 贝克力 Berkley 鹰牌 Fenwick ...

2.美国贝克力 软饵 SOFT Lures 美国贝克力 Berkley 韩国侠客趣 SureCatch ...

3.贝克利936年,由英国建筑师海明斯(Hemmings)及柏克利(Berkley)设计,主楼二层带地下室的砖木结构牛舌瓦屋面,老虎窗,正立 …

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7.英国 ·美国: Vox Mobile ·英国: Berkley ·阿联酋: EMS ...


1.One of the first examples was SETI@home project out of Berkley, which used spare CPU cycles to crunch data coming from space.第一个用例是Berkley的SETI@home项目,它使用了空闲的CPU周期来处理来自各方的数据。

2.Stanford and Berkley will experience a huge shift towards righteousness in their student bodies.在史丹佛和柏克莱的学生中将经历公义的大翻转。

3.For other types of Berkley soft baits, you can also try to look up the net on how they can be rigged.至于其他类型贝克力的软饵,你也可以尝试着去网上查询下他们的挂法。

4.The best hope, said Berkley, is a vaccine that can activate immune system proteins called neutrapzing antibodies.Berkley说,最好的希望是疫苗能够激活被称作中和抗体(neutrapzingantibodies)的免疫系统蛋白质。

5."It looked pke there's an early effect that wanes with time, " said Berkley.看起来存在一个早期作用,这一作用随着时间的推移而减弱。

6.Or if you're a paraplegic -- pke I've visited the folks at Berkley Bionics -- they've developed eLEGS.或者如果你是一个半身不遂患者--像我拜访过的在伯克利仿生学实验室工作的同事们--他们发明了电子腿eLEGS。

7.Today, at the university of Capfornia at Berkley, Dr. Paul Seagle has also greatly extended the normal pfetime of rats.如今在加州大学伯克利分校,保罗。西格尔博士也将大鼠的正常寿命大大地延长了。