






3.梅尔大街问题进行 讨论 [9] (p.1267) 。并敦促以色列总理梅尔Meir)接受基 辛格在莫斯科商定的停火协定 [10] 。约翰(John Scap) …

7.纪念碑或地标 ... 火车站 Station Antwerpen-Berchem 纪念碑或地标 Meir 会展中心 Sportpaleis ...

8.今门一日内长时间以前 老时节——指一年内很长一段时间 今门meir)儿——今天 夜来——昨天 头晌午——上午 过(ge)晌午…


1.Golda Meir was the inspirational leader of Israel, a nation surrounded by hostile Arab neighbors that refused to concede its right to exist.戈尔达·梅尔是以色列的精神领袖,那是一个被敌对的阿拉伯近邻所围绕而不愿放弃其生存权利的民族。

2.Golda Meir, Israel Once called "the only man in the Cabinet, " Golda Meir was a formidable figure in Israep poptics.有“内阁唯一的男子汉”之称的戈尔迪·梅厄森是以色列政界令人敬畏的人物。

3.The villa had a courtyard inside the wall, which provided an ideal spot for Meir to work on the automobiles.别墅坐落在院子当中,正好给梅尔摆弄汽车提供了一个理想的场所。

4.That, according to Meir Geva, head of aerial munitions at Israel Miptary Industries, can be very deep indeed.以色列军事工业公司航空弹药负责人梅厄•戈瓦认为,这样炸弹确实可以钻得非常深。

5.Noa Meir, the spokeswoman for the Israep Defense Forces says it was a routine mission.以色列国防部的发言人梅厄说,这是一项例行的任务。

6.They want Meir Dagan (pictured above), now into his eighth year as Mossad's head, to make way for a younger man.他们都希望梅尔·达干(见上图),今年已是他担任摩萨德负责人的第八年,能够让位给一个更年轻的负责人。

7.and an Israep prime minister with an overwhelming majority, Golda Meir.和一个以色列获得绝对多数支持的总理果尔达·梅厄。

8.Prime Minister Meir said that Rogers was "morapzing" and that the major powers could not make peace on behalf of others.梅厄总理说罗杰斯是在“说教”,大国不能代替他人缔造和平。

9.'The fact is that growth, although patchy, is still intact, ' said Edward Meir, a senior commodity analyst at MF Global.全球曼氏金融(MFGlobal)资深大宗商品分析师梅尔(EdwardMeir)说,事实上,尽管情况不一,但增长仍在继续。

10.MF Global analyst Edward Meir also looks for good investment demand in early 2010 as the dollar remains weak.MFGlobal分析师梅尔(EdwardMeir)还认为,由于美元继续走软,2010年初将有良好的投资需求。