


美式发音: ['bɚni] 英式发音: [ˈbə:ni]





1.伯尼 Bernard 伯纳 条顿 像熊一般勇敢 Bernie 伯尼 条顿 也是像熊一般勇敢 Bert 伯特 英国 全身散发出荣耀和光辉的 …

2.胖尼杀很大 ... Berg, 柏格, 冰山 Bernie 柏尼, 象熊一样勇敢 Bruce 布鲁斯 ...

4.伯妮89下一页 dreamno 美国队长才是无敌人肉之 …

5.贝尼 Big Rig Dizzy 迪奇 Bernie 贝尼 Onyx Guard 黑甲护卫 ...


7.伯尼尔 Stockholm 斯德哥尔摩 Bernie 伯尼尔 Switzerland 瑞士 ...

8.泊尔尼 ... 5.Bernard( 泊尔那德):像熊般勇敢 6.Bernie( 泊尔尼):像熊般勇敢 7.Elvis( 艾尔维斯):朋友 ...


1."Norman told me that Bernie was the executor of his will, " said Carmen.诺曼告诉我伯尼是他遗嘱的执行人。

2.There was a lot of excitement when the opportunity came back and Bernie said he was prepared to discuss the situation.我很激动,因为机会重新给了我们。而且伯尼也说他已经准备好坐下来跟我们谈。

3.Bernie Madoff's wife has been left with a lump sum in that amount from her settlement with the Justice Department.伯纳德•马多夫(BernieMadoff)的妻子从她与司法部的和解中就一次性地获得了这样一笔钱。

4.There was no Lehman-style collapse or Bernie Madoff-type fraud to hammer home the full extent of the hubris.这其中没有出现雷曼兄弟式的大崩盘或伯纳德·麦道夫式的欺诈案。

5.He said one Madoff investor had grabbed him by the lapels and shaken him, saying "Don't question Bernie" .他说,一个马多夫的投资者曾抓着他的衣领,使劲摇晃着他,说“不要质疑伯尼”。

6.Bernie was a release valve, someone I could disappear with for a few hours.伯尼是排气阀,我可以跟他一块儿消失几个小时。

7."Bernie (Ecclestone) told me that I should not too tightly commit myself (outside of F1), " Senna admitted.“伯尼(埃克莱斯顿)告诉我,我不应该得太紧承诺自己(外部的F1),”塞纳承认。

8.Bernie knew how to stop working, get together with friends and eat only the heart of the watermelon.伯尼知道如何停下手中的活,朋友相聚在一起的心,只吃西瓜。

9."It was never my intention to hurt the feepngs of any community, " Bernie repped.“这不是我原来的意图,以感情的伤害任何社会,”伯尼回答。

10.Former Brabham team boss Bernie Ecclestone was clearly pleased to see his old sponsor back.前布拉罕姆车队的老板伯尼-埃克莱斯顿非常高兴看到自己的老伙伴回来。