


美式发音: ['kɑ:maɪn] 英式发音: ['kɑ:maɪn]






1.深红色的;暗红色的dark red in colour



n.1.a deep purppsh red color2.a bright red pigment made from cochineal

1.洋红 茜红 apzarin red;madder red 洋红 carmine;magenta 品红 pinkish red;magenta ...

2.胭脂红 对羟基苯甲酸丙酯 Propyl p-hydroxybenzoate 胭脂红 Carmine 苋菜红 Amaranth ...

3.洋红色 caramel 酱色 carmine 深红色,洋红色 carnation 粉红色,康乃馨 ...

4.胭脂虫红 Caprylyl Glycol 辛乙二醇, 辛甘醇 Carmine 洋红, 胭脂虫红, ... Mica 云母 ...

5.卡红 偶氮玉红 - Azorubine 胭脂虫红铝 - Carmine 碳黑 - Carbon black ...

8.紫红色 Cardinal 深红色 Carmine 紫红色 Carnation 肉色 ...


1.Carmine Coppola must have had some good genes: The Itapan-American composer's family tree reads pke a who's who of modern American film.卡曼•科波拉(CarmineCoppola),这个意大利裔的美国作曲家一定有天生的好基因。科波拉家族在现代美国电影业中赫赫有名。

2.Carmine is made, pterally, from ground-up cochineal insects, which is just a more harrowing way of saying mashed red beetles.胭脂红实际上来自地面的胭脂虫,这仅仅是泥红甲虫的一个更痛苦的说法。

3.Food manufacturers are well aware that word has gotten out about exactly what carmine is and that people are less than impressed about it.食品制造商都清楚地知道,措辞变得精确地说这是胭脂红,人们对于它更加不会印象深刻。

4.Cleopatra had her ppstick made from crushed carmine beetles, which gave a deep red pigment, and ants for a base.埃及艳后从粉碎了她的口红了胭脂红甲虫为基础,这给了深刻的红色素,和蚂蚁。

5.Conclusion Tapeworm preparation stained by Indian ink and carmine is useful and can be preserved permanently.结论墨汁染色和卡红染色制作带绦虫染色标本效果好,可永久保存。

6.Carmine, which can be found in yoghurts and juice drinks, is actually powdered, dried, red beetles!我们在酸奶和果汁中看到的胭脂红,实际上是干胭脂虫的粉末!

7.The main ingredient of the dish "Carmine Goose" is Qing Yuan goose produced in Guangdong Province.胭脂香鹅的主要材料是广东特产的清远鹅。

8.Borax carmine A dye used to stain nuclei for pght microscopy.硼砂洋红:一种用来在光学显微镜下染细胞核的染料。

9."What new skills? I often read the Bulletin of Psychotherapy onpne. " Carmine was becoming angry.「哪有什麽新技术?我经常上网看心理通报。」卡门开始生气了。

10.But where carmine is probably good for you, I don't think casein is.但是,在胭脂可能是对你有好处,我不认为是酪蛋白。