




1.卢 Leopold 利奥波德 Lew Lewis 刘易士; 刘易斯 ...

2.避雨棚 1. 避雨处 bield; 2. 避雨棚 lew; 3. 避雨植物 ombrophobes ...

3.财政部长杰克卢 14.SCOR 供应链管理指南 15.LEW 最小离岸价 16.MOM 成本变动 ...

5.避难 Levi 联合 Lew 避难,保护 Liam 坚定的保护者 ...

6.转向角传感器 Levi 联合 男性 希伯来 Lew 避难,保护 男性 古英语 Liam 坚定的保护者 男性 爱尔兰 ...


1.Mr Lew said he had raised the issue in his meetings with leaders and stressed that the value of the renminbi should be "market-determined" .杰克??卢表示,他在与中国领导人会晤中提到了这个问题,并强调人民币的币值应当“由市场决定”。

2.The coming two months will be a test for Lew, as the battle over the budget deficit heats up in Congress.随着预算赤字争夺在国会升温,接下来的两个月对卢来说将是一场考验。

3.SingTel chief executive Allen Lew said the decision to stay with the event was "relatively simple" .电信首席执行官艾伦刘远贵说,决定留在该事件是“相对简单”。

4.Lew wiring, portable machine design, parts easy to replace, adopt advanced CPU network.配线少,采用先进处理器网络系统,机台轻便,易更换;

5.Jack Lew, the new White House budget director, says controversial initiatives have to be bipartisan.白宫新的预算主任JackLew称,有争议的提议必须由两党共同提出。

6.When John Van Lew died in September 1843, his will stipulated that his wife, Epza, could not sell or free any of the family's slaves.1843年9月,约翰·凡·卢去世,他的遗嘱规定他的妻子伊莉莎不能卖掉或解放家里任何一个奴隶。

7.Lew has a reputation as a tough negotiator with a keen understanding of the details of the immense U. S. budget.卢以强硬谈判家敏锐理解巨额美国预算细节而著称。

8.White House budget chief Jacob Lew said Sunday the proposal would cut the deficit in half by the end of Mr. Obama's first term in 2013.白宫预算办公室主任雅各布.卢星期日说,这项议案将在奥巴马的第一个任期在2013年结束前削减一半的赤字。

9."The goals are very, very aggressive, " said Debra Lew, a senior project leader for the federal National Renewable Energy Laboratory.联邦国家新能源实验室的高级工程师DebraLew说:“这项任务简直太有挑战性了”。

10."Suddenly, Steven reapzed this wasn't Lew and Sid he was deapng with; this was GE and their tight fists, " the associate says.突然间,斯皮尔伯格意识到自己不再是与他们打交道了,而是通用电气,和他的紧绷的拳头。