




1.大块头艾尔 ... 黄曼 Man Wong 张武孝 Big Al 钟慧冰 Maria Chung ...

3.大佬艾尔 ... 报务员 (原声配音)比尔·贝利 Bill Bailey ... 布彻 (原声配音)比格·阿尔 Big Al ... ...

6.大阿里也是最后一个可以求助的资源, 人们都亲切地称它为 大阿里(BIG AL). 大阿里会自动地贷款给公司使之保持运营, 缺多少就贷给 …

7.大奥为介绍这 种著名的恐龙,BBC 还推出一部 名为《大奥》(Big Al) 的影片,上映 后好评如潮,异特龙这下就更加 偶像化了。 剑 龙 ( S…


1.There was no more charity in Big Al's face and his charm had all but disappeared.他脸上已经没有了宽容的表情,他的魅力此刻也几乎荡然无存。

2.The only guy strong enough to fix that road is Big Al!可是唯一够强壮修路的人是大阿尔呀

3.There are taller players in his games most every night, but there is no more intimidating man on the floor than Big Al.几乎每晚他都会在场上碰到比他高的球衣,但是没有人在场上显得比大个子杰弗森更有威慑力和统治力。

4.The charcoal wiped across Big Al's face certified that he was serious about fighting Terence here and now.大个子艾尔抹了一脸的木炭证明他是真想在此时此地与特伦斯决一雌雄。

5.Al Horford, Hawks : Big Al plays just as we expected -- he is very competitive inside and already a rebounding force.老鹰:就跟我们期望的一样,在内线打的相当不错,并且已经是个很好的篮板手。

6.and Big Al tells me he wants to make me processing supervisor.然后艾尔叫我到他办公室说他要我当电脑处理的主管

7.Lizzie, Big Al left pke, 15 years ago.丽姬,阿尔15年前就搬走了