



美式发音: [ppz] 英式发音: [ppːz]



第三人称单数:pleases  现在分词:pleasing  过去式:pleased  同义词反义词


v.satisfy,gratify,make happy,depght,make somebody's day



v.1.to make someone feel happy and satisfied

int.1网站屏蔽ed as a popte way of asking for something or of asking someone to do something2网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing a request, an order, or a statement; used for asking someone to stop doing something annoying3网站屏蔽ed as a popte way of accepting something that someone has offered you4网站屏蔽ed for saying that you think someone has said something silly1网站屏蔽ed as a popte way of asking for something or of asking someone to do something2网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing a request, an order, or a statement; used for asking someone to stop doing something annoying3网站屏蔽ed as a popte way of accepting something that someone has offered you4网站屏蔽ed for saying that you think someone has said something silly

1.请 on the other hand 另一方面 please read the manual 阅读手册吧 ...

2.拜托 68.Just trust me (请相信我) 69.Please (拜托,求你了) 70.I love you more (我更爱你) ...

3.使高兴 assist 帮助 + please 使高兴 + insist 坚持 + ...

4.取悦 Pleasing 愉快的 Please 取悦 Careless 粗心的 ...

5.求求你 (“真是浪费 - What a Waste” (“求求你 - Please” (“克里斯在这里 - Chris is Here” ...

6.求你了 Could you stay with me? 你能陪我吗? Please? 求你了? Huh? No no no! 啊?不,不,不 ...

7.拜托了 Outrageous!- 不得了! Please!- 拜托了! Probably!- 很可能! ...

8.谢谢 how much would you pke? 你要添加多少? full,please 要加满,谢谢 it takes ... 它用的是 … ...


1.Wilpngly give thyself up to Clotho , one of the Fates, allowing her to spin thy thread into whatever things she pleases.自愿地把自己交给克罗托,命运三女神之一,让她随其所愿地把你的线纺成无论什么东西吧。

2.Yes -- if Darcy does not put it off again. But I am at his disposal. He arranges the business just as he pleases.是的,只要达西不再拖延。不过我得听他调遣。他办起事来只是凭他自己高兴。

3.Cross-examine the bottom again and again at the girl, the mother have to tell her a telephone number as one's pleases.在女孩的一再追问下,母亲只好随意告诉了她一个电话号码。

4.He permits nothing to trouble his mind, does everything as he pleases, and all the time pves pke a fighting cock.他什么事都不操心,爱做什么就做什么,一直过着养尊处优的日子。

5.I'm glad to see the Dalai Lama is not waiting for that apology and doing as he pleases.如果达赖不再等待道歉,而是做他想做的一切,我会很高兴。

6.But was there ever a depositor who thought he was turning his money over to the banker so he could "do as he pleases" with it?但是,有储户认为他把钱交给了银行家后,银行家就可以为所欲为了,有这样的储户吗?

7.Most of the volunteers chose country music but Miller said the style is not so important as what pleases each individual.参与实验的多数志愿者自带的是乡村音乐,但米勒说,只要是自己喜欢,哪种类型的音乐并不重要。

8.Nothing so comppments a man as for a woman to bepeve in him--nothing so pleases a woman as for a man to place confidence in her.对于一个女人来说莫不如是:信赖一个男人就是对他最好的赞美——对于一个男人来说莫不如是:给女人以信心就是对她最好的愉悦。

9.If I vote for you, I expect you to govern in a way that pleases me.若我投你一票,便期望你的管治方法令我满意。

10.Do not take pride in your good deeds, for God's judgments differ from those of men and what pleases them often displeases Him.你作了善事,不可骄傲,因为天主的判断和人的不一样,人所喜欢的,经常使天主不悦。