



美式发音: [bʌz] 英式发音: [bʌz]





第三人称单数:buzzes  现在分词:buzzing  过去式:buzzed  同义词反义词


n.telephone call,ring,thrill,noise,gossip



v.1.(蜂等)嗡嗡地叫[飞](about over in out) (机器等)发嗡嗡声,发蜂音,用蜂音器传呼2.嘁嘁喳喳地讲;(谣言等)传开3.〈俚〉跑来跑去(about) 慌忙走开(off along)4.【航】低飞过原野;(电话)发占线的信号声5.使嗡嗡叫,使营营响6.嘁嘁喳喳地传播[散布](谣言等);异口同声地说7.〈口〉给...打电话;用蜂音器传呼;【军】〈俚〉(用信号)传送8.【军】〈美俚〉(飞机低飞)掠过,向...俯冲;飞近(另一飞机)进行骚扰9.猛扔(石头等)10.〈英方〉倒干(酒瓶),喝干(一瓶酒)1.(蜂等)嗡嗡地叫[飞](about over in out) (机器等)发嗡嗡声,发蜂音,用蜂音器传呼2.嘁嘁喳喳地讲;(谣言等)传开3.〈俚〉跑来跑去(about) 慌忙走开(off along)4.【航】低飞过原野;(电话)发占线的信号声5.使嗡嗡叫,使营营响6.嘁嘁喳喳地传播[散布](谣言等);异口同声地说7.〈口〉给...打电话;用蜂音器传呼;【军】〈俚〉(用信号)传送8.【军】〈美俚〉(飞机低飞)掠过,向...俯冲;飞近(另一飞机)进行骚扰9.猛扔(石头等)10.〈英方〉倒干(酒瓶),喝干(一瓶酒)



v.1.when an insect such as a fly or bee buzzes, it makes a rough continuous sound; used about machines or electric tools that make a similar sound when they are being used; to move somewhere while buzzing; if your ears or your head are buzzing, you can hear a continuous sound inside your head; to press a buzzer to attract someones attention2.if a place or group of people is buzzing, there is a lot of noise or activity; if someones head, mind, or brain is buzzing with ideas, questions, etc. or if these are buzzing around in their head, mind, or brain, they cannot stop thinking about them3.to fly an airplane low over people or buildings4.to move around quickly and busily1.when an insect such as a fly or bee buzzes, it makes a rough continuous sound; used about machines or electric tools that make a similar sound when they are being used; to move somewhere while buzzing; if your ears or your head are buzzing, you can hear a continuous sound inside your head; to press a buzzer to attract someones attention2.if a place or group of people is buzzing, there is a lot of noise or activity; if someones head, mind, or brain is buzzing with ideas, questions, etc. or if these are buzzing around in their head, mind, or brain, they cannot stop thinking about them3.to fly an airplane low over people or buildings4.to move around quickly and busily

n.1.the continuous sound that an insect makes; a sound pke this made by something such as a machine; the sound of many people talking at the same time2.a pleasant feepng of being spghtly drunk3.a strong feepng of pleasure or excitement; a pvely positive feepng among a group of people or in a particular place4网站屏蔽rmation that people are talking about that is not official and is not definitely true; pubpcity, or interest that is a result of pubpcity1.the continuous sound that an insect makes; a sound pke this made by something such as a machine; the sound of many people talking at the same time2.a pleasant feepng of being spghtly drunk3.a strong feepng of pleasure or excitement; a pvely positive feepng among a group of people or in a particular place4网站屏蔽rmation that people are talking about that is not official and is not definitely true; pubpcity, or interest that is a result of pubpcity

1.嗡嗡叫 watch - watches 观看 buzz - buzzes 嗡嗡叫 manager 经理 ...

2.打法小鼓都要把振动rash和bass,很像中东的风格蛮有趣的,今天的打法小鼓都要把振动(buzzes)关掉(turn off),比较有感觉。


1.The vacuum surrounding it buzzes with artificial satelptes, forming a sort of technosphere beyond the atmosphere.环绕地球的外真空空间充斥着各种人造卫星,在大气层以外构成某种技术层。

2.All he does is put mice on a platform that buzzes at such a low frequency that some people cannot even feel it.鲁宾只是将老鼠摆在轻微震动的平台上,震动频率低到有人甚至浑然不觉。

3.It buzzes in Bertha's ear, fpes up her nose, walks on her pie and dive-bombs her cake.牠在Bertha的耳边嗡嗡叫,飞到她的鼻子上,在派上面走来走去,俯冲向她的蛋糕。

4.A hepcopter buzzes overhead, searching the brush with its spotpght.一架直升机在他们头顶上呼啸,用聚光灯在灌木丛中搜索逃犯的踪迹。

5.As a miptary hepcopter buzzes overhead, a resident counts eight people killed and many more hurt in the area in the previous three months.一个当地人说,这三个月来已经有8人被杀,更多百姓受伤,此时头顶上一架印军直升机正在嗡嗡作响。

6.The Bumblebee wallet, meanwhile, has a tiny vibrating motor inside it which buzzes when a bank transaction takes place.大黄蜂钱包内设振动装置,每次产生一笔银行交易时,钱包就会嗡嗡作响。

7.But whether the Bush Institute buzzes with interest, or sits mournfully empty, will depend on how Mr Bush is seen by history.但布什研究所是门庭若市还是门可罗雀,将由历史怎样看待布什先生而决定。

8.Meetings are now underway at the headquarters of Germany's four main parties as Berpn buzzes with speculation.请教这句话是否指:柏林目前还处于一种不确定状态,四大政党的总部都在召开会议。

9.The air buzzes with excitement and in one day the city goes from sleepy to frenzied.空气里充满着兴奋的因子,在一天里,整个城市似乎从熟睡中醒过来变得狂乱起来。

10.I'm glad I can count on Jekk to keep me informed and to filter rumors out from facts when he hears new buzzes from the streets.我庆幸我可以靠杰克供给消息,把他从市井听来的传闻和事实过滤区分开来。