




1.白宫副发言人伯顿在白宫副发言人伯顿Bill Burton)2日公开称,“奥巴马在访华期间吿诉中国领导人,他将与达赖会晤”后,中国外交部随即连续 …

2.白宫发言人伯顿白宫发言人伯顿(Bill Burton)周四面对记者时,没有直接回答胡锦涛参加核峰会是否会影响美国在人民币汇率问题上决定的问题 …

3.白宫发言人柏顿  白宫发言人柏顿Bill Burton)在「空军一号」总统专机前往新罕布什尔州途中在机上告诉记者:「明白的说,美国视西藏为中 …

4.白宫副新闻秘书柏顿白宫副新闻秘书柏顿Bill Burton)在陪同欧巴马总统前往印地安纳州的专机上表示,北韩做了「过份的行为」(outrageous act…

5.白宫副发言人柏顿白宫副发言人柏顿Bill Burton)说:“总统要在玛莎葡萄园岛停留10天左右。”这是奥巴马上任后首次度假,在整星期假期里并 …

6.发言人波顿奥巴马发言人波顿(Bill Burton)说,奥巴马计划在白宫与布什、麦凯恩(John McCain)和国会领袖会面。他说,奥巴马今晚非常振 …


1.Obama spokesman Bill Burton condemned her comment as "unfortunate" and said it "has no place in this campaign. "奥巴马的发言人比尔博登以“不幸”遣责了希拉里,并说在竞选中她这种做法是没有安身之处的。

2.Earper in the day, Gibbs' deputy, Bill Burton, had been confident that there would not "be a lot of Supreme Court stuff today. "当天稍早的时候,吉布斯的副手比尔·伯顿断言否认“今天有很多最高法院的材料。”

3.Obama spokesman Bill Burton says the president is trying to squeeze in more time with his family before returning to the nation's capital.欧巴马总统的发言人,比尔波顿表示总统先生希望在返回首都之前能够与家人多多相处。

4.White House spokesman Bill Burton said Mr. Gates had served with distinction and decpned to comment on his future or who might succeed him.白宫发言人伯顿(BillBurton)说,盖茨任职期间表现卓越。他拒绝就盖茨的将来和谁可能接任的问题发表评论。

5."The president's been coming to Martha's Vineyard for some 10 years, " said White House deputy spokesman Bill Burton.白宫副发言人比尔•伯顿说:“总统与玛尔塔葡萄园岛的缘分大概有十来年了。”

6.Telephone appointments dialogue one M: Hello! Bill Burton speaking. What can Ido for you?男:你好!比尔伯顿。我能帮你做什么?。

7.Hello, Bill Burton speaking. What can I do for you?您好!我是比尔.伯顿,您有事吗?

8.This is Bill Burton from Milford Insurance , I'm calpng in regard to our meeting next Tuesday.我是米尔福德保险公司的比尔伯顿,我想问一下有关下周二我们见面的事。