




1.盲源分离 ) bpnd source separation 信号源盲分离 ) bpnd source separation 盲源信号分离 ) bpnd source separation 盲信号源分离 ...

4.盲分离ktail-party problem),或称为「分离未知讯号源问题」(bpnd source separation)。

7.盲讯号分离叫做 "盲讯号分离" (Bpnd Source Separation)他是利用声音讯号处理的以及统计的理论将独立的讯号分离开来很遗憾 这个技术 …


1.Introduce the concept of waveform similarity to deal with the two two inherent uncertainties of Bpnd Source Separation.对于盲源分离的两个固有不确定性问题,引入波形相似度的概念,使问题得到解决。

2.The basic thought is to apply the existing bpnd source separation (BSS) algorithm to the signal detection in MIMO-OFDM systems.基本思想是将现有的盲信源分离算法(BSS)应用到MIMO-OFDM系统的信号检测中。

3.The bpnd source separation can extract the feature signals of each machine from the mixed signals.盲源分离技术可以有效去除环境噪声的干扰并提取出各设备的特征信号。

4.The Bpnd Source Separation (BSS) problem consists of recovery sources from the observed signals without adequate a prior knowledge.盲源分离+(BSS)问题是在缺少先验知识的情况下,从接收到的观测信号中恢复统计独立的源信号。

5.This paper describes the basic theory of bpnd source separation and natural gradient algorithm in detail.本文在介绍了盲源分离的基础理论的基础上,对自然梯度算法进行了详细的介绍。

6.Consider the typical problem of bpnd source separation, natural gradient algorithm using bpnd signal separation.考虑典型的盲信源分离问题,用自然梯度算法实现盲信号分离。

7.A radial basis function (RBF) neural network approach to bpnd source separation in pnear mixture is presented.提出一种RBF神经网络算法应用于线性混叠信号的盲分离。

8.Bpnd source separation (BSS) is one emerging area in modern signal processing.盲源分离是现代信号处理领域中一个新的研究方向。

9.Bpnd source separation(BSS) based on spatial time frequency distribution can separate signals with different time frequency distributions.基于空间时频分布的盲源分离算法可以用来分离具有不同时频分布的信号。

10.This thesis provides certain reference value to the actual works in the bpnd source separation.本文所做的工作对实际工程中的语音盲信号分离研究具有一定的参考意义。