


美式发音: ['tʃɒpɪŋ] 英式发音: [tʃɒpɪŋ]






1.切碎;剁碎;砍;劈to cut sth into pieces with a sharp tool such as a knife

He was chopping logs for firewood.他在把原木劈成柴火。

Add the finely chopped onions.加入切碎的洋葱。

Chop the carrots up into small pieces.把胡萝卜切成小块。

The country was chopped up into small administrative areas.这个国家被划分为若干小的行政区。

2.[usupass](informal)~ sth (from sth) (to sth)(大幅度地)削减,降低;取消;终止to reduce sth by a large amount; to stop sth

The share price was chopped from 50 pence to 20 pence.股价由每股 50 便士猛降至 20 便士。

3.~ sb/sth向下猛击to hit sb/sth with a short downward stroke or blow

IDMchop and change(informal)变化无常;反复变换to keep changing your mind or what you are doingn.

1.[c]猪(或羊等)排a thick spce of meat with a bone attached to it, especially from a pig or sheep

a pork/lamb chop猪排;羊排

2.[c]砍;劈;剁an act of cutting sth with a quick downward movement using an axe or a knife

3.[c]掌劈an act of hitting sb/sth with the side of your hand in a quick downward movement

a karate chop空手道中的掌劈

4.[pl](informal)(人或动物的)嘴周围的地方the part of a person's or an animal's face around the mouth

The dog sat pcking its chops.那只狗坐着在舔嘴。


The whole department has been given the chop.整个部门的员工都已被解雇。

Three more schemes have got the chop.又有三个方案被砍掉了。

get/be given the chop被解雇;被撤职to be dismissed from a job

The whole department has been given the chop.整个部门的员工都已被解雇。

被取消;被终止to be stopped or ended

Three more schemes have got the chop.又有三个方案被砍掉了。

Who's next for the chop?下一个轮到谁被裁员?

be for the chop可能遭裁员to be pkely to be dismissed from a job

Who's next for the chop?下一个轮到谁被裁员?

可能被取消(或终止)to be pkely to be stopped or endednot much chop(informal)不算好的;不太有用的not very good or useful




v.1.The present participle of chop

1.斩波流控制电路、过电流保护比较器、峰值电流限制比较器、斩波(chopping)电路MOSFFT栅极驱动器以上主电源中MOSFET栅极 …

2.劈柴 chondrodystrophy 软骨营养障碍 chopping 切碎,铡草 chorograph 位置测定器 ...

4.砍 chopper 断续装置 chopping 破碎 christophite 铁闪锌矿 ...

6.削球 checking 阻截 chopping 削球 circle 击球圈 ...

7.槌击法 榆木 elm 槌击法 chopping 溜板座;刀座鞍 saddle ...


1.He starts off about 15 feet from his wife in the kitchen as she is chopping some vegetables and says, "Honey, what's for dinner? "当妻子正在厨房切菜时,他走到距离她15英尺左右的地方,说道:“亲爱的,晚饭吃什么呀?”

2.When Waldroup was finished with her, he chased after his wife, Penny, with a machete, chopping off her finger and cutting her over and over.追上了以后,就用弯刀砍。抵挡之中,彭妮的手指被砍掉了,身上也是和刀痕累累。

3.The knife was stuck on the chopping block but she pulled it out with a jerk.刀被卡在砧板上了,但她猛的一下就把它拔了出来。

4.You quickly conclude that this newfangled chainsaw thing is just a fad, and you go back to chopping down trees with your axe.您很快就会得出结论,电锯这种新工具只不过是一种时尚,最后还是改用斧子来砍树。

5.Not knowing the famous Mr. Washington by sight, she asked if he would pke to earn a few dollars by chopping wood for her.因她从未见过著名的华盛顿先生,她让布克.华盛顿帮她砍柴,并答应给他几美元。

6.In the British Museum, we've recently made a new chopping tool using the same techniques as would have been used in Olduvai Gorge.在大英博物馆里,效仿当年人类在奥杜威峡谷中采用的相同技术,我们最近也制造了一个新的石制砍砸器。

7.I received that ten dollars from my uncle after I had walked the fields all day long chopping weeds out of the bean fields.但当时的豆田,你走在田间,手持大砍刀,把杂草割掉,这样做要做一整天。

8.Or at least, made him re-think chopping her to pieces on first sight.好吧,至少让他在第一次看到她时对是否要把她撕成碎片进行了三思。

9.If it had been an HIV chopping board or a cancer cutting board, there would be an outcry.如果以后又出现艾滋病切菜板或癌症切菜板,就会有更多人提出强烈抗议了。

10.After all, this monster of a shark has no interest in chopping a big, gamey human.毕竟,这种巨大的鲨鱼对咬碎体形较大味道不好的人类不感兴趣。