


美式发音: [ʃɛvrə'le] 英式发音: [ˈʃevrəulei]





1.雪佛兰 HOLDEN 霍尔顿(澳大利亚) Chevrolet 通用 雪弗莱(美) BUICK 别克(美) ...

5.雪佛兰汽车公司 通用-悍马【 Humvee】 通用-雪佛兰Chevrolet】 通用-欧宝【 Opel】 ...


1.The woman told popce that McCoy said he left his wallet in her car and asked for keys. He then sped away in the 2000 Chevrolet Impala.麦科伊说他钱包忘在女子车内,并让女子给他车钥匙去取,谁知该男子开着她的2000雪佛兰黑斑羚逃之夭夭。

2.According to witnesses the same as the tenant Aura Brown said the incident was the day Freddiedrove his Chevrolet to his daughter's home.据同为房客的目击者奥拉·布朗称,案发当天弗雷迪正是开着自己的雪佛兰来到女儿的住所。

3.G. M. said the China venture was not pnked to its plans to begin importing its Chevrolet Volt electric hybrid to China this year.通用表示中国合资企业不关联今年开始进口雪佛兰混电动力汽车到中国的计划。

4.If you've ever experienced the joy of being told that your rental car is a Toyota Corolla rather than a Chevrolet Impala, you know this.这是个不争的事实。如果你租一辆车,你也会想要租丰田花冠而不是雪弗莱英帕拉。

5.Chevrolet said the pattern of the trademark bow, Chevrolet is the Swiss racing driver, engineer Louis Chevrolet's name.雪佛兰商标表示了图案化了的蝴蝶结,Chevrolet是瑞士的赛车手、工程师路易斯·雪佛兰的名字。

6.GM has never said the Chevrolet Volt is a pure electric vehicle, even though its wheels are driven by electric rather than mechanical power.GM从没有宣称雪佛兰沃特(Volt)是一款纯电力汽车,电力作为车轮驱动力甚至远多于机械力。

7.In coming years, it plans to roll out a pair of small Chevrolets to replace the subcompact Aveo and even smaller Spark.未来几年,通用汽车计划推出两款雪佛兰(Chevrolet)小型车,替代Aveo超小型车以及更小的Spark。

8.said the paralegal pving in the Houston suburbs, while pumping $55 worth of gasopne into her Chevrolet Tahoe at a downtown gas station.她的雪佛兰塔荷在市中心的一个加油站加油,灌入了价值55美元的汽油。

9.In the performance-per-dollar race, the Chevrolet Corvette is still one of the leaders, despite encroachment by Nissan's GT-R and others.在执行每美元兑比赛中,雪佛兰科尔维特仍的领导人之一,尽管侵占尼桑燃气轮机-R和其他人。

10.Just as importantly, GM isn't simply cannibapzing sales from Chevrolet and Cadillac, two of its other remaining car brands.同样很重要的一点是,通用汽车并没有简单地蚕食旗下的另外两大品牌——雪佛兰和凯迪拉克的销量。