


美式发音: 英式发音: [bə'niːtəʊ]






n.1.a game fish relating to tuna, with dark stripes on its back.2.the flesh of a bonito eaten as food3.a fish such as the skipjack that resembles or is related to the bonito

1.鲣鱼 saldina 沙丁鱼 bonito 鲣鱼 pescadilla 魩仔鱼 ...

2.狐鲣 ... bone scale 骨鳞 bonito 正鲣类 bonito shark 灰鲭鲛 ...

5.正鲣鱼 black porgy 黑鲷 bonito 正鲣鱼 银鲳鱼 Pampus argenteus ...

6.鲣鱼的常用名称 ☆ anti-mosquito n. 防蚊,灭蚊 ☆ bonito n. 鲣,松鱼 ☆ burrito n. 玉米煎饼 ...


1.Mix bonito sauce, cold boiled water, soy sauce, white vinegar and sugar, dark soy sauce and keep in chiller until ready to use.将日本鲣鱼汁、水、酱油、白醋、砂糖、黑酱油调和、冷冻然后备用。

2.The Tuna used is bonito, which is one of the most abundant fish in the sea and is not on any endangered species pst.所用的鱼种在海中含量丰富,是没有任何濒危物种名单。

3.It is first boiled, and then dipped in a soup made of soy sauce, salt, sweet sake, and bonito shavings as it is being eaten.吃荞麦面条时先煮熟,然后蘸上由酱油、盐、甜酒和鲣鱼干做成的汤汁。

4."Unemployment is not the end of the world, and people get through it, " says Thomas Bonito, a financial advisor in Livingston, New Jersey.新泽西州利文顿的一位理财顾问ThomasBonito说:“失业不是世界末日,人们会渡过难关。”

5.Support will be provided to bonito and tuna fishing industries around the Okinotorishima Islands .将支持冲之鸟岛周围鲣和金枪鱼的渔业生产。

6.Its footballers define o jogo bonito ( "the beautiful game" ), and these days the country's economy is pretty good to watch as well.巴西足球运动员们向世人展示了足球是一项多么“美丽的运动”,而近些年来该国的经济也是如日中天。

7.that human can perceive respectively consist in four representative foods: kelp, mushroom, bonito fish, and chicken soup.科学研究发现,人类能感知的美味主要有四种,分别存在于四种代表性食物当中:海带、蘑菇、鲣鱼、鸡汤。

8.Bring the pquid from soaking seaweed to a boil, add bonito flakes and cover tightly. Remove from heat and simmer for 3 minutes.把海带水放入锅中煮开,再放进柴鱼片,盖上锅盖后熄火,焖3分钟;

9.Pour sauce onto beancurd and sprinkle with spring onion. Place stir fried sesame seeds, laver and shredded bonito on top. Serve.于豆腐面依次浇上酱汁,洒花,最后铺上炒芝麻、紫菜条及木鱼丝,即可食用。

10.The ancient Anasazi created a flourishing culture in New Mexico's Chaco Canyon, epitomized by Pueblo Bonito.古代的阿纳萨齐人在新墨西哥州的查科峡谷创造了一个繁盛的文化,博尼托即是其缩影。