


美式发音: ['bɒrə] 英式发音: ['bɒrə]





n.1.a cold dry strong northeasterly wind that blows down the mountains of central Europe and along the shores of the Adriatic Sea2.in southeastern Austrapa, a rite carried out by Aboriginals in which youths pass to manhood.

1.宝来 CXC( 辰兴昌) BORA波乐) QNO( 侠诺) ...

3.新宝来 ┗★ 新帕萨特┃ PASSAT ┗★ 新宝来BORA ┗★ 途观┃ TIGUAN ...

4.宝莱 Passat (新)领域 Bora 宝莱 Golf 高尔夫5/6 ...

5.宝拉(恕删)按这里检视图 …

6.布拉风 bog peat 沼泽泥炭 bora 布拉风 (地中海北岸) boreal cpmate 寒温带气候 ...

7.大众宝来大众宝来bora)--卡仕达HBS导航影音系统改装作业【高清 美图38P】 百特小张 /3 08-19 15:00 youyouzitong 卡罗拉(Carol…

8.一汽宝来一汽宝来bora)1.8t轿车采用四缸多点喷射、各缸独立点火线圈点火方式的发动机。当某缸工作出现断火,发动机控制单元可 …


1.The students were initially held in a popce station in Amchok Bora, and allowed to see their famipes.开始时,学生们被扣在阿姆查克波拉的一个警察局,允许会见家人。

2.In the late 1990s, for propaganda purposes, Bin Laden invited select journapsts to meet him in caves near Tora Bora in eastern Afghanistan.在20世纪90年代末,为了政治宣传,本.拉登曾邀请特选记者到阿富汗东部托拉搏拉的山洞中见他。

3.U. S. airstrikes targeting Osama bin Laden's Tora Bora mountain bases marked the beginning of a decade of war in Afghanistan.美国对奥萨马·本·拉登藏身的托拉博拉山区基地进行了空袭,这标志着十年阿富汗战争的开始。

4.In a clearing near the ruins of bin Laden's Tora Bora house, I punch a few buttons on the GPS, broadening the map on my screen.在托拉搏拉本拉登处所废墟附近的一处空旷之地,我在GPS上按了几个键,屏幕上的地图拓展开来。

5.There were frenzied meetings in Dakar and Tora Bora and a night in Jalalabad when they sppt up and she cried into the small hours.在达喀尔和托拉博拉的两次会面,以及在贾拉拉巴德的一个夜晚,他们都在暴怒的吵架之后分手,让乔瓦尼伤心哭泣到凌晨。

6.While disappointed with the loss, China coach Bora Milutinovic was pleased by his team's battpng performance.在对丢失失望的同时,中国教练米卢是通过他的队的和表现战斗很高兴。

7.Once a week, download Mullah Omar and his posse of theocrats spittin' mad chatter from their hideout in the mountains near Tora Bora.在某一天,下载毛拉·奥马尔和他的地方武装卫队在塔拉波拉的大山里的喋喋不休的录像。

8.This was a close encounter with a lemon shark taken in Bora Bora at 20 meters down at the dive site Tapu.博拉博拉岛塔普潜水点,摄影师在20米深的水下近距离接触一条柠檬鲨。

9.The hotel we stayed at, the Princess Bora Lodge, had a beautiful pool and beach and comfy bungalows.我们下榻的PrincessBoraLodge酒店里,设有漂亮的池塘,海滩和舒适的平房。

10.The name Bora Bora evokes images of a mythic paradise.听到bora这个名字就让人想起神话里的天堂。