




1.到哪里去 ... 3. And where? 胡:在哪儿开标? 4. Going where? 到哪里去? 5. Went where? 去哪儿了? ...

2.去哪儿 ... where is she?[ 她在哪儿?] Going where?[ 去哪儿?] And why would we do that?[ 我们为什么要这么做?] ...

3.去哪里 ... B:你到底有没有打扫压 Did you clean up anyway? B:去哪里? Going where? ...


1.Chasing leafs in the wind, going where we've never been.乘着风追寻树叶到我们从未到达的地方。

2.All things considered, determining how much of the weight is going where isn't easy.考虑所有因素,重量转移多少很难确定。

3.Look to see if visitors going where you want them.看看访客们是否去了你想让他们去的地方。

4."It's not about going where nobody else has gone, " he says. "The driver is to do interesting research that will also depver value. "“和去没有人去过的地方不一样,”他说,“驱动我的是那些有趣的研究,这些研究也能呈现出来价值。”

5.No, I don't want to go. Home is near, and I'm going where Father is waiting for me. How unhappy he must.不要,我不去,这会儿就到家了,我要回家,我爸爸在等着,可怜的老人家昨儿没见。

6.Momma always says there's an awful lot you could tell about a person by their shoes. Where they're going. Where they've been.妈妈常说通过人家的鞋可以了解别人很多的东西。

7.Your fearlessness and positivity mean you're going where you've never gone before -- and looking great doing it if the stars have their say.你的勇敢和积极性意味着你将达到一个你从未到达的地方,而且会做得很好---主星也是这么暗示的。

8.This means going where too few exchanges have gone before -- beyond government officials, business people, academics, and other eptes.这意味着进入过去很少进行交流的领域——超越政府官员、工商业者、知识界和其他精英之间的接触。

9.The gravity pull of some of our habits may currently be keeping us from going where we want to go.我们的一些习惯的拉力可能会暂时阻碍我们去到我们想去的地方。

10.Hey, Duke, where you going? - Where do you think I'm going?嘿,杜克,你去哪儿?-你觉得呢?