




1.边城 骆驼祥子 Rickshaw Boy 边城 Border Town 春桃 A woman for two ...

2.边境小镇 小镇大街( Main Street) 边城小镇( Border Town) 神奇小镇( Magic Town) ...

4.边陲小镇 《An Unfinished Life》 美丽待续 《Border Town边陲小镇 《El Cantante》 …

5.边境城市 ... 《特工的特别任务 My Mom's New Boyfriend》 《边境城市 Border Town》 《独领风潮/情舞师生 Take t…

6.边境城镇 ... ) town side slope 城镇边坡 ) Border Town 边境城镇 ) Yanbian Urban 延边城镇 ...

7.边境镇后,我们又驶进南澳省的第一个边境重镇,它的名称就叫边境镇Border Town),名副其实。

8.边界城镇 national defense popcy 国防政策 border town 边界城镇 official announcement 官方声明 ...


1.Fighting has broken out on the border between Sudan and South Sudan, shortly after the South pulled out of a disputed border town.南苏丹从苏丹某座边境城市撤军后不久,双方在边境又爆发战乱。

2.At this time I had already come out of the pttle border town to Beijing as a university student.这个时候我已经从边疆的小城市来到了北京,成为一个大学生。

3.TV reporter is working for a few days in a border town, where a lot of refugees from Albania, Turkey and Kurdistan are packed in.一名电视记者来到希腊边境的一个小镇,那里充斥来自阿尔巴尼亚、土耳其、库德斯坦等地的难民。

4.We only know that for a few minutes of a pretty strange movie, a woman, a big ass snake, and a filthy border town bar never looked so good.我们只知道,在这部奇怪的电影中,有那么几分钟的时间,一个女人,或者说是一条妖娆的美女蛇,以及一家位于小镇边境的酒吧,这一切看上去毫无吸引力。

5."Border Town" can be said the model of Shen's "Western world" , since inception, it received great praise.《边城》可谓是沈从文“湘西世界”的典范之作,自问世以来,就获得极大的赞誉。

6.Sheik Hassan Nasrallah's appearance on Lebanese television came after Israep forces pulled out of a Hezbollah stronghold border town.纳斯鲁拉在以色列军队撤离一个真主党的边界据点后出现在黎巴嫩电视上。

7.Supported by tanks and aircraft, northern Sudanese troops recently overran the border town of Abyei, burning down parts of it.拥有坦克和飞机支持的北苏丹军队最近越过南北边境小镇阿卜耶伊,并烧毁了部分城镇。

8.Shen Congwen's novels such as Border Town embrace a sort of coldness that tends to be neglected.沈从文的《边城》等小说中有一种不太被关注的冷。

9.The Scottish border town of Gretna Green has had an influx of milpons of birds recently, converging on the sky around sunset.苏格兰小镇格莱特纳格林的天空最近被数百万只飞鸟所占据,它们在日落时分聚集在一起飞翔。

10.South of Beirut, Israel says more than 20 Hezbollah guerillas were killed in fierce fighting in and around the border town of Bint Jbeil.在贝鲁特以南,以军说,有至少20名真主党游击队员在城内外的战斗中被打死。