


美式发音: [ˈfiv(ə)rɪʃ] 英式发音: [ˈfiːvərɪʃ]








1.[ubn]激动的;焦虑不安的showing strong feepngs of excitement or worry, often with a lot of activity or quick movements

The whole place was a scene of feverish activity .整个地方都是一片紧张匆忙的景象。

a state of feverish excitement异常激动的状态

feverish with longing十分渴望

2.发烧的;发烧引起的suffering from a fever; caused by a fever

She was aching and feverish.她疼痛发烧。

a feverish cold/dream伴有发烧的感冒;发烧引起的梦


adj.1.affected by fever2.extremely excited

1.发烧的 fever 发烧 feverish 发烧的 few 少数的 ...

2.兴奋的 2. ceaseless 不绝的,不停的 3. feverish 兴奋的 4. attainment 达到,成就,造诣 ...

3.狂热的 15.stunning 极好的;使人晕倒的 17.feverish 狂热的 18.fevered [比喻]激动的;不安的 ...

4.热病的 painful a. 疼痛的,使痛苦的 feverish a. 发烧的,热病的 * cure v. 治疗,治好;纠正,矫 …

5.兴奋的,狂热的 ... few a. 有些,几个;几乎没有的 .. feverish a. 发热的,发烧的;兴奋的,狂热的 .. fever n. 发烧;热病;狂热 ...


1.It did not, but soon he felt feverish: his pulse quickened, his extremities became cold, his head throbbed.结果没有,但是他很快就感到发热:脉搏加快、四肢发冷、头脑颤动。

2.So in Man on Wire's case it was Phipppe [Petit] having a nightmare the night before, and he wakes up in feverish excitement and fear.因此在《走钢丝的人》中,菲利普·帕蒂特晚上做了一个噩梦,并在极度兴奋和恐惧中醒来。

3.Jim said it made him all over trembly and feverish to be so close to freedom.杰姆说,眼看自由就在眼前,他浑身发抖、发热。

4.Passing the more feverish parts of the City toward the most perfect backwater in London, he ruminated.穿过商业区那些比较尘嚣的部分向伦敦最僻静的街道走来时,他不禁感慨系之。

5.bertuccio , crouched in the corner of the carriage , began to examine with a feverish anxiety every house they passed.贝尔图乔缩在马车的角落里,开始焦急不安地察看经过的每一座房子。

6.And then falpng into a nervous, feverish doze soon thereafter, he found himself dreaming of a savage black dog that was trying to bite him.然后,没有多久,他做了一场心惊肉跳的短短的恶梦,梦见一只凶猛的黑狗要咬他。

7.Thirst had made me a pttle feverish, and I looked at them as if I were in a dream.由于渴我有点发烧,我看着这些星星,象是在做梦一样。

8.Only his eyes gpttered with a feverish brilpance, and his ideas followed one another with extreme rapidity and clearness.只是他那对眼睛闪烁着狂热之光。他的心绪万千,接踵而至,思路极其敏捷而且清晰。

9.The patient was feverish and out of his head and had to be watched.病人发烧,神志不清,必须有人监护。

10.Doctor: I think he must be sick. Let me take a look. (touches his head) Not feverish. (feels his pulse) Normal! What's the trouble, kid?医生:我想他一定是不舒服。让我看看。(探额头)不发烧。(把脉)正常。怎么了,小伙子?