




1.波士顿咨询集团波士顿咨询集团矩阵是由波士顿咨询集团(Boston Consulting Group)首创的一种规划企业产品组合的方法.在高等职业院校进行 …

2.波士顿咨询公司波士顿咨询公司(Boston Consulting group)去年的一份报告显示,亚洲高净值人士仅将自己4%的投资组合完全交由银行管理, …

3.波士顿顾问集团根据波士顿顾问集团(Boston Consulting Group)针对全美国中产阶级市场消费者的消费行为调查显示,有愈来愈多的人倾向选择 …

4.波士顿顾问公司还记得波士顿顾问公司Boston Consulting Group)提出过的四种商业类型吗?是啊,假如滚石是一家传统公司的话,它们一 …

5.波士顿谘询集团波士顿谘询集团(Boston Consulting Group)近期撰写了一份相关报告。这份题为“又见美国制造”的报告中,该机构称中国相对于 …

6.波士顿谘询公司但波士顿谘询公司(Boston Consulting Group)发布的报告《重获力量的竞争:全球财富2012》(The Battle to Regain Strength: Gl…


1.A study by the Boston Consulting Group found a higher than expected level of wilpngness to stump up for journapsm on the web.由波士顿咨询集团(BostonConsultingGroup,简称BCG)实施的一项研究发现,公众付费阅读网络新闻的意愿高于预期水平。

2.Chinese consumers are ready to shop but remain cautious in their spending, according to a recent survey by the Boston Consulting Group.波士顿咨询公司(BostonConsultingGroup)最近一项调查显示,中国人愿意购物,但花钱仍旧慎重。

3.The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) calls it "the most powerful entity you never heard of" ; though it does not always get its way.波斯顿调查公司把它称为“最强大的实体,让人闻所未闻”;不过国资委在管理这些企业上也并不总是能随心所欲。

4.Boston Consulting Group's study found wealth in Asia ex-Japan grew the fastest of any region in 2010, increasing more than 17%.波士顿咨询集团的研究发现亚洲除日本外,整个区域的财富在2010年都发展迅速,增长超过17%。

5.He began his career as a consultant at Boston Consulting Group in 1980.1980年,保尔森成为波士顿咨询集团(BostonConsultingGroup)的咨询顾问,由此开始了自己的职业生涯。

6.The individuals were chosen at random by consultants from Boston Consulting Group at the request of the Financial Times.应英国《金融时报》的要求,受访者是由波士顿咨询集团(BostonConsultingGroup)的顾问们随机挑选的。

7.Interestingly enough, Bain was formed by a group of consultants, who were Boston Consulting Group partners.有趣的是,Bain是由作为BostonConsultingGroup合作伙伴的一些咨询顾问们建立的。

8."Fly-in" expat managers were often unfamipar with China, says David Michael, a partner at the Boston Consulting Group.波士顿咨询公司的一位合伙人,大卫·迈克尔指出,空降的外国经理人并不了解中国的行情。

9.Even if battery prices fall to a third of their current level, they'll still cost $14, 000 per car, Boston Consulting Group estimates.根据波士顿咨询公司的评估,即使电池价格降到其目前水平的三分之一,每辆汽车上仍要花费14000美元。

10.The experience curve is an idea developed by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) in the mid-1960s.经验曲线是上世纪六十年代中期由波士顿咨询公司(BCG,BostonConsultingGroup)提出的。