




1.暗室 * 1994《毒舌钩 The Scold's Bridle》 * 1995《暗室 The Dark Room》 * 1997《回声 The Echo》 ...

2.暗房 ... 【the blue chamber】 蓝色房间 【the dark room黑暗房间 【THE LABYRINTH】 迷宫…

4.父子情仇ur Dreams》(梦遇寒冬),两年后又参演了《父子情仇》(The Dark Room)。

5.黑房间oney’s Kid Don’t’s Cry)、《黑房间》(The Dark Room)、《踩烂牵牛花案例》(The Case of the Crushed Petunias)、《缩短居 …


1.I get up slowly because I'm very cold and I walk across the dark room to the door. Perhaps it' s someone from Read Hall!因为太冷了,我缓慢地爬起来,穿过黑暗的房间向门口走去。也许是从里德宅院来的什么人!

2.He went into the dark room with a pghted match in his hand.他拿着根点着的火柴,走进了屋子。

3.He at last spunked up enough courage and went into the dark room.最后,他鼓足勇气走进那间黑屋子。

4.I used to take a lot of black and white photographs and disappear into the dark room for hours just to make pictures.我曾经拍过很多的黑白照片,在小黑屋里待上几个小时弄照片。

5.Xun watched Beibei's back as she closed the door to the dark room and stood dazed in front of the door, silent.熏注视贝贝拉上暗房的门,怔怔站在门前,久久不语的背影。

6.The dark room had a threatening appearance; furthermore, I knew a family of mice had nested there.那间黑屋子外观很吓人;而且,我还知道里面住了一窝老鼠。

7.The colour of her dishevelled white hair seemed especially glaring in the dark room.他看见母亲的蓬乱的白发在昏暗的室内显得分外刺眼。

8."It's a personal hell, " he said slowly, in the dark room, "if the Lord will excuse me for saying it. "“这是我的人间地狱,”在暗暗的房间里,他慢慢地说道,“如果上帝能原谅我所说的话。”

9.His pulse throbbed in his throat as he crossed the dark room, the old floorboards creaking under his feet.穿过黑漆漆的屋子时,他心提到了嗓子眼,老旧的木地板在他脚下发出吱吱的响声。

10.Beibei suddenly went quiet as she saw hanging in the dark room a picture taken for Xun at Danshui when Xun and Wu first me.贝贝忽然住了嘴,因为她看见暗房中挂著伍与熏初次见面时,在淡水替熏拍的照片。