




1.品牌大使ichelle Yeoh),担任娇兰首位亚洲出身的品牌大使(Brand Ambassador)。

2.品牌代言人随手翻开身边任一本杂志,就能看到光彩照人的明星和“品牌代言人”(brand ambassador)为品牌而做的广告。

3.品牌的大使 随你找谁 whatever you do-- 是品牌代言人 Brand ambassador, 还没正式任命你呢 and you haven't been appointed yet. ...

5.品牌形象大使全球顶级洋酒品牌形象大使Brand Ambassador


1.Over the next two years, Lin will participate in the company's corporate, advertising and marketing activities as a brand ambassador.林书豪与沃尔沃签订的合约期限为两年。在未来两年里,林书豪将以品牌大使的身份参与公司的企业、广告拍摄和市场推广等活动。

2.She has never hired a celebrity to be a brand "ambassador" . She doesn't even pke to use the word "brand" , preferring "house" .她从来没有请过明星充当品牌的“形象大使”,她甚至不喜欢用“品牌”这个词,而宁愿用“公司”。

3.Celebrities are famous for possession of thousands of brand shoes and are also brand ambassador of some famous brands.名人常常拥有成千上万的品牌鞋,而且也是一些知名品牌的形象代言人。

4.I'm excited to announce that I'm the new head&shoulders Global Brand Ambassador and will be leading the 'Wash in Confidence' campaign!我很兴奋的宣布我现在是海飞丝的全球代言人,并将主导“洗出自信”推广战役。

5.Each and every employee must be a brand ambassador.每一位员工都是企业品牌的形象大使。

6.Gale will continue in a much smaller role as a brand ambassador.盖尔将作小规模上继续扮演品牌大使的角色。

7.But critics of the pen have denounced the use of the Indian icon as a "brand ambassador. "但是,钢笔批评家们抨击使用印度的标志作为“品牌大使”。

8.And Tiger Woods, for a long time, the perfect brand ambassador.泰格.伍兹,曾在很长一段时间里,被认为是最完美的品牌代表。

9.Was great, now a brand ambassador.一度很优秀,现在只是品牌大使。