


美式发音: 英式发音: [brest]





un.1.port and largest city in Finistère Department in the Bretagne Region, western France.

1.布雷斯特 布尔 Bourges, 布列斯特 Brest, 布利维报亚尔德 Brive la Gaillarde, ...

3.布勒斯特北布列塔尼(Bretagne)著名的军港与渔港城市布黑斯特(­Brest),曾生活在布列塔尼南边著名莫荷比翁港湾(Le Morbihan…

6.布雷斯特港、沙霍斯特号(Scharnhorst)便停泊在法国布列斯特港(Brest),1941年6月18日,700吨的重巡洋舰尤金亲王号(Prinz Eugen)也加 …


1.At the Admiralty there was growing opinion that the Bismarck was steering for Brest, but it was not until six o'clock that this hardened.海军部越来越相信“俾斯麦”号正驶往布雷斯特,但是直到六点钟,这个想法才肯定下来。

2.The Bismarck was still four hundred miles from Brest, and no longer even able to steer thither.“俾斯麦”号离布雷斯特仍然有四百英里,它甚至连这么远也行驶不了。

3."The hotel is run by a Miss Doris. But it seems she's away in Brest for the day. " "When the cat's away. " Ma said.“这家旅馆是一个名叫多丽丝的小组经营的。但是,似乎今天她出门到布雷斯特去了。”“大王外出,小鬼跳粱。”妈妈说道。

4.And when the train stopped at the border town of Brest , a gang of Belarussian women jumped on with baskets of food and drink.当火车停在边境城镇布雷斯特时,一群白俄罗斯女人带着装满食品和饮料的篮子跑上车来兜售。

5.Even Lenin was forced to enter into Brest-Litovsk Treaty with Germany at the time of October Revolution.即使列宁在十月革命时也被迫同德国签定了不列斯特-里窝斯克条约。

6.Scent of A Woman is directed by Martin Brest.《女人香》由马田伯斯特执导。

7.Messrs Brest and Harvey seem most excited about philanthropy when it plays the role of "risk capital" for solving society's problems.当慈善充当“风险资金”以解决社会问题时,布雷斯特和哈维显得最为兴奋。

8.It was early 1918 and the Bolsheviks were locked with the Germans in armistice negotiations at Brest-Litovsk (today's Brest, Belarus).那是在1918年年初,布尔什维克在雷斯特-立托夫斯克(今天白俄罗斯的布列斯特)和德国人举行停战谈判时陷入僵局。

9.Warships will come from Brest and will bring the submarine to the top.军舰将来到布雷斯特(法国港市)并把潜艇带到水面。

10.People will never forget the struggle at the bordering fortress of Brest.人们永远不会忘记在边境布列斯特要塞的战斗。