



美式发音: [ˈmɒnɪˌtaɪzd] 英式发音: [ˈmʌnitaizd]



过去分词:monetized  现在分词:monetizing  第三人称单数:monetizes  



v.1.to make something the legal tender of a country2.to convert a metal into coins3.to convert a government debt into available currency, especially by issuing securities

1.货币化 ) monetary 货币 ) monetized 货币量化 Money Financing and Stochastic Endogenetic Growth; 货币发行与随机内生增长 ...

3.可货币化以福利混合的概念來說明,其将 福利财货依生产是否「可货币化」(monetized)/「非货币化的」 (non-monetized),以 …

4.变现  腾讯科技:就金山的角度而言,现在越来越多人提到如何将移动互联网"变现"(monetized)的概念,你觉得商机在哪里?   张宏江: …

5.商业化旧的操作系统被商业化Monetized)、商品化(Commoditized),然后被石化(Petrified)或者风(分)化(Diversified), …


1.The site is monetized by ads (Tagworld seems to be their biggest advertiser), although there's no word on whether they're profitable yet.尽管还没有关于这个网站是否赢利的消息,这个网站是通过广告赚钱的(Tagworld好像是他们最大的广告商)。

2.But the notion that an app can create users and data and then can be transferred into a database, and shared and monetized in that way.那就是应用程序可以带来用户和数据,这些都可以形成一个数据库,为大家所共享,从而成为一种盈利的方式。

3."Twenty percent of Web real estate is imagespace, and it's not really monetized well at all, " he said.“网络不动产的百分之二十是图像,从更好地获得经济收入看,这部分资产完全没有很好地得到利用,”他表示。

4.HUMAN CAPITAL IN PRACTICE Unlike financial capital, human capital cannot be monetized.实践中的人力资本:与金融资本不同,人力资本无法套现。

5.The basic platform is free and is monetized by upselling advanced features, increased storage and additional security.基本平台是免费的,通过销售高级服务、增加储存空间和提供额外的安全措施来筹集资金。

6.The title to the commodity residential house purchased with the monetized resettlement money shall belong to the purchaser.以货币化安置款购买的商品住宅产权,属于购房人所有。

7.Entertaiment can be monetized through advertising and "freemium" .娱乐可以通过广告和“freemium”模式获得收益。

8.Recall that private equity is effectively "temporary capital" and at some point seeks to be monetized.要知道,私募股权实际上只是“临时资本”,而且都寻求在适当的时候转化为货币。

9.But many of these things are produced outside the conventional monetized economy.但是这些东西中有很多都不是传统钓货币经济能创造出来的。

10.With the enforced of residence monetized in china, realty became expenditure focus of urban resident gradually.随着我国住房货币化制度的实施,房地产业逐渐成为城市居民的消费热点。